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'not all that wonder,
are lost.
~JRR tolken'

[theres a word at the start in spanish but the definition will be at the end]

i stay seated alone at the back of the class minding my own business until i see a small piece of paper slide onto my desk. not bothering to look at who put it there i lift my legs off and pick it up.
'well hermosá, not such a nerd after all - A'

Ace. of course. i look beside me and there he is. his head moving up and down between the board and his book. wait. does that mean he's working? i look down to his book and he's writing down fruits? huh. shaking my head i turn back to the piece of paper and start scribbling down a reply before handing it back.
'hermosá? and yeah i'm not, maybe you should check before you assume :) -G'

soon enough i get the note back.
'yes hermosá, you can figure out what it means yourself x. and yeah sorry about that but how was i supposed to know you weren't? -A'
i pull out my phone to google what it means and just as i go to put my password in a get a text telling me i've used all my data. fine whatever i'll do it at home.
'well that's your fault for being an ass hat -G'
i pass it back and turn to Mr Martinez. maybe I should actually pay attention this lesson. hah nah. i feel the note fall into my lap.
'only 4 you ;) -A'
i roll my eyes smiling slightly, putting the paper away.

"okay class," Mr Martinez yells grabbing everyone's attention, "for your project you'll be in pairs. you'll be watching each other's mental health and at the end of the set time you will present a speech about one another. please move to your partner once your names are called," he told us before beginning to run names off his tongue. i listen and wait.

"and lastly Gracie and Ace. get started people!" he yells before moving back to his computer. your kidding right.

"who the hell is Gracie?" i hear Ace mumble. i turn my body to face him rolling my eyes.

"that would be me hun," i state.

"oh." is all he says, staring at me.

"what?" i ask, chuckling lightly.

"uh n-nothing, let's get to know each other. uh-i'll go first?" he stumbles over his words. i smile at him and nod.

"uh okay well i'm Ace Kole. i'm 17 and i go to Ravens high," he starts. i raise my eyes brows at him.

"oh really captain obvious?" i comment with a grin. he gives me a glare, putting his finger to his lip telling me to shush.

"anyway before i was rudely interrupted i was saying, my favourite colour is orange, i have a golden retriever, i live in a massive house that is empty most of the time because my parents are assholes, my best friends and basically brothers are Ethan and Sebastian and i own a motorcycle," he states with a sigh.

"what's your dogs name?" i ask, deciding against commenting on the parent thing. his face instantly lights up like a kid on christmas and i swear it's the cutest thing i've ever seen. a massive smile breaks onto his face, not a smirk, an actual smile. i notice he had deep dimples in each cheek making it 100x cuter. okay note to self, he's basically in love with his dog.

"her name is Philosophy. i was going to go with something normal but normal is boring you know but i'm not sure do you think it's too much? but she's my favourite thing in the world, i love her so so much," he rushed out still smiling and blushing slightly. i feel the hate i once had leaving my body, feeling myself smile as well. i shake my head at him.

"no it's not too much, i love it. she seems wonderfull," i tell him. he nods his head.

"she is. anyway your go," oh shoot, right.

"okay uh my name is Gracie Jeffery, i'm 17. my favourite colour is yellow but not bright yellow like the yellow in sunsets. i have a puppy too, he's a husky his name is Everest. my parents are business people so they leave a lot which means i'm alone heaps too. i have a brother Cole who's four and two best friends Amelia and Jaymes. and i also own a yellow mustang," i finish with a smile. Ace's eyes go wide as if he's in shock.

"wait YOU own that beautiful car?" he exclaims. i nod at him.

"holy damn," he mutters. i let out a small laugh shaking my head. it's silent for a bit before Ace speaks up.

"i want Philosophy to meet your dog and they can have a play date and we can hang out," he blurts out. i smile and nod. that is the cutest shit i've ever heard.

"that would be nice," i tell him.

"yeah it would,"

the rest of the day flew by pretty quickly just full of classes and food. by actually paying attention i figured out that in 6 of my 7 classes i have one of the 3 bad boys and in one i have all of them. fun. how have i not noticed such gorgeous things in the same room as me. i pull out of the school parking lot and speed home. i pull into the driveway and park in the garage. going into the kitchen i grab a bad of smarties and walk up into my room. remembering i had to google what hermosá means i pull out my phone and punch the letters into the search bar and soon find myself smiling at the words on my screen;

what does hermosá mean?

spanish detected▿
- hermosá means beautiful


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