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a loud echoing bang from down stairs pulled me out of my sleep. brushing it off as Everest i turn my body around and snuggle deeper into Ace's chest. it's only when the sound comes again and is followed by the sound of glass shattering my full attention is grabbed.

"Ace," i lean back and shake his arm. a light groan falls from his lips and my hand snaps up stopping the sound from coming out. his eyes open and a confused look washes over his face. his hand comes up and cups over mine, pulling it away from his mouth.

before he has time to speak another bang echos through the deathly quiet house. Ace's eyes widen with alarm as he quietly sits up. the bedroom door creaks open and with the small amount of light coming from the moon i see Sebastian and Ethan slip into the room.

"what the hell was that?" Ace whispers. both boys shrug in reply.

"Everest?" i ask. Ethan nods his head down and i crawl to the end of the bed to see Ev sleeping soundly with his head just poking out from the shadows.

"this can't be a coincidence that Grays house got broken into and now someone is snooping through mine," Seb mutters softly.

Ace turns to me. "we are going down and you're going to stay here okay?" i nod softly.

"promise me hermosa,"

"i promise,"

he leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips then nose before hopping out of the bed and following the boys out of the bedroom. i lean down and pick Ev up, cuddling him tightly. i watch the clock until seven minutes had past.

two louder bangs reach my ears, much louder then the first few. Everest's ears perk up and his body sits straight like he knows something is wrong.

"stay," i whisper to Ev kissing his nose before walking to the door and closing it behind me. silence is what i'm treated with. the thick, cold air biting at my bare legs. quietly hopping down the stairs a shiver climbs up my spine as my feet touch the floor boards.

a hand lands on my shoulder and i whip my head around so fast i'm suprised i didn't get whiplash.

Ethan looks at me with wide eyes. "Ace said stay up stairs bebé,"

"i know i'm sorry you guys were just taking ages i got worried," i rush out in a hushed whisper. he shakes his head fast.

"no go back quick," seeing the frantic look in his eyes scared me, my legs start moving back to the stair case in a fast motion. i'm centimetres away when something or someone latches around a chunk of my hair, yanking me backwards. a small yelp leaves my lips as my back hits the ground hard.

"hermosá!" Ace tells from somewhere in the house. my body stairs moving quickly to get up but a buff body stands above me.

"i don't think you're going no where love," a scratchy voice comes from the body. out of the corner of my eye i see Ace, Ethan and Seb come to a halt in the doorway to the lounge room.

"get away from her," Ace growls out. my eyes adjust to the dark and i notice that Ace has a cut on his temple, a small amount of blood running down his cheek from it.

"you're funny," the body chuckles. Ethan steps forward.

"who are you?"

mystery guy says nothing and stands still as if he's waiting for something. and he is. and i see it just too late. a scream leaves my lips as i spot two other men run up behind the three boys with what looks like a bat. having the upper hand they knock them out faster than the speed of light.

i feel a pinch in my arm and move my attention down to the needle that now sticks out of my upper arm. i look at the lanky fingers and run my eyes up his arm and to his face until i feel my eyes getting heavy. i hear a small whisper before my head feels like paper weight and my mind is taken by sleep.

"sweet dreams mi diosa,"

❁ ❁


the pounding in my head grew as i lifted my hand up rubbing my temple. i pried my eyes opened only for them to start burning from the sun shining in through the curtains. last nights events replayed through my head and my body jerks up in a rush.

"no, no, no," i whisper.

my eyes instantly go to the bottom of the stair case where i last saw her but the only thing that tells me it wasn't a dream is a needle sitting where she once lied.

"don't touch it," i whip my head around, startled at the voice only to see Sebastian positioned behind me, his eyes trained on the needle.

his eyes look tired and the bags under his eyes are dark. if he looks bad i don't even want to know how i look. i knew something was going to happen but the day i ask her to be my girlfriend, wasn't expecting that. i wonder why he isn't speaking full spanish but i let the thought slip my mind.


"isn't it obvious?" i shake my head.

"someone took her. they took her right under our noses and we have to find her. the bastards finger prints will be on that thing and O will help us track down whoever did this," he grumbles turning around and walking into the kitchen. i quickly rush to follow him.

"you mean Oakley? what will he do?" i watch him pull out a glass and spin it in his hands, his eyes never leaving it as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"yes i mean Oakley douche, have you seen that kid he's Joel's number one hacker and he basically has dna testing skills of a FBI agent," he sighs putting the glass in the sink and filling it with water. neither of us speak, like were drained of energy.

"you two look like shit!" Ethan sings out coming behind me and draping his arm over my shoulders.

"thanks. why are you so happy?" he rolls his eyes.

"because i've been waiting 2 hours for you two to get up so we can go to compound and find out who did this, and look! you're finally up!" he beams.

"let's go then," i nod turning to walk down the hall. i feel a hand wrap around my arm and rip me back. Ethan looks at me with wide eyes.

"what?" he lifts his hand up to his temple and i give him a questioning look.

"you might wanna uhh clean up first,"

"no time kiddo," i rip my arm away and staunch off towards to door. i hear Seb sigh before his and Ethan's footsteps following behind me.

i have to find her.

this is my fault after all, i should have protected her better.


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