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[this ones really short sorry sorry the next ones will be longer i promise]

my eyes feel heavy as i struggle to open them and once i have i'm met with darkness. my muscles ache and i feel the cold radiating from the floor underneath my body. a soft groan escapes my throat and i'm immediately set on edge when i hear it echo.

the memories before i blacked out rush through my head all at once and hit me like a truck. i shoot up into a sitting position, ignoring the screams of my muscles and bones. my eyes go wide trying to adjust to the dark and search through my surroundings.

soft murmuring comes from somewhere and the hairs on my arms stand on edge. i move my hand up to my head and a rattle echos through the room. my whole body freezes as i move my hand again and feel something tightly wrapped around my wrist. are those? chains?

i quickly move myself away from the wall i feel softly resting on my back but i'm jerked back after making probably not even a metre. i feel the same thick metal around my ankles that are on my wrists and i wonder how i didn't notice that before.

i'm chained. to a wall. and the floor.

what the fuck.

swallowing my pride i scream out knowing that i'm going to meet the psycho that did this so i may as well spread up the process.

"oi i'm awake now jerk ass. let's talk,"

it's silent. dead silent. until i hear rattling coming from in front of me. a door i didn't know was there swings open and light floods into the room. i squeeze my eyes shut, avoiding the pain of sudden light until i hear the door close again.

soft footsteps echo through the room and then a light switches on. a small light, hanging from the ceiling about 4 metres away from me. it's not bright but it's bright enough to see him.

"you," i spit. he only gives me a smirk.

"now now mi diosa, that's no way to speak to an old friend is it?"

"friend? we are not friends. i met you once and you were weird as hell and i was hoping i'd never have to see your ugly head again," i growl, i'm pissed. what the hell do i do to him.

"okay if you insist," he puts him hands up in surrender but still smirks, "but i'm not doing his to hurt you. i would consider you a friend. Ace? not so much,"

i frown before an angry look takes over my face.

"leave him alone," he laughs shaking his head.

"you don't know the pain he's caused me," he whispers angrily. wow someone's bipolar.

"i don't care," i tell him.

"i'm sure you don't mi diosa," he brushes the imaginary dust off his shirt even though he hasn't done anything other than blab out of his fat mouth.

he walks near me until he stands right in front of me looking down, as i look up.

"in case you were wondering, i'm Ronan," he sends me a sick smile.

"well in case you were wondering," i smile sweetly batting my eyelashes, "fuck you Ronan," i gather up my spit and send it flying at his feet.

he gives me a glare before turning around and walking to the door.

"your punishment will be tomorrow,"

is the last thing i hear before the room goes black again.

he can hurt me all he wants, i don't care i can take it. as long as he just leaves Ace alone. the poor thing already has his father on his back.


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