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'when things go wrong,
don't go with them.
~elvis presley'

"can you actually believe it though like THE bad boys of the school are hanging out with us. it's amazing. and they are so hot holy moly. ughh," i let out a laugh.

"Amelia, breathe," i tell her. she sighs.

"i know it's just a lot to handle," she says. i shake my head at her. what is this girl.

"well i'm hungry so are you coming with me or what?" i ask. she nods repeatedly before following behind me. it's Wednesday and the boys have been hanging out with us constantly. every lunch time. in the mornings. when we have free periods. during class. i'm really close with Ethan and Seb, or Sebo as i call him some times, which i like because they are so nice. they all put on this bad boy image when they are total sweethearts. Ace has been attached to my hip pretty much. he walks me to class. somehow always waiting there when i get out. finding little ways to touch me. it's cute. Amelia loves it. she'll have a crush on one of the boys soon enough. i see it coming. we get a lot of attention now as well. apparently it's a big thing for them to be talking to people other than each other but everyone can mind their own business because honestly it's just nice to have a group of friends.

"and the goat's are here!" Amelia gushed throwing her hands up. i shake my head laughing. i walk around the table and sit down next to Ace.

"greatest of all time? really Amelia? have you seen me?" Ethan teased. she staunched up to him pointing a finger.

"listen here you," she started. not really wanting to lose my mind after hearing them argue for the 100th time in the past two days, i turn my head to Ace only to see him already looking at me. i giggle softly.

"hi," he whispers.

"hello," i murmur. i turn my head back to my food eating some of it while Ace tells me a story about his teacher for art and how much he hates starting his Wednesday's off with it.

"you're such a drama queen," i tell him. he pouts out his bottom lip in the cutest matter and it takes all my willpower to not kiss him. wait why did that even cross my mind. i just need to calm down a bit. the bell goes off in a long ring and everyone starts moving. Ace stands and holds out his hand, palm up towards me.

"m'lady, may i escort you to your next class?" he mimics a posh english accent. i giggle softly taking his hand in mine.

"yes you may," he pulls me up and wraps his arm over my shoulders. we make small conversation until we reach our destination. he gives me a light kiss on my temple and runs off just as the first bell goes. smiling to myself i walk into class and take a seat. Ethan not being here yet i sit by myself waiting. about 5 minutes into the lesson the chair next to me moves. i turn my head to see Stacey.

i smile nervously at her. "hi?"

"i'm not her to talk to you i just thought i'd let you know something," she spoke, picking at her pink acrylics.

"okay?" i question. i'm so confused.

she groans. "i just thought i'd tell you that you that your little friend isn't as perfect as he seems,"

i furrow my brows together. "sorry who?"

"ugh Ace for gods sake, he texts me all the time and we hook up. i just wanted to tell you so you didn't get with him and have your heart broken if he cheats because i don't support that," she states. since when did she care how i felt.

"but aren't you cheating on Aid-"

"hush hush hun. you're welcome. bye now," she cuts me off before standing up and leaving. Ace hooks up with that slug. ew. Ethan comes into class about half way through the lesson looking crazy and slumps down next to me.

"you look like you just got run over," i state.

"you really make my ego boost through the roof," he turns to me smiling. i let out a giggle. loser.

soon enough class is over and me and Ethan leave. Ace is standing right at the door and we both say bye to Ethan as he walks the opposite way.

"i need to talk to you," i tell Ace.

"why what about?" he questions.

"later, we have class now," i remind him. he grabs my arm and pulls me into the storage closet.

"Ace what are yo-"

"talk," he cuts me off. i squint my eyes giving him a glare before taking a deep breathe.

"it's nothing bad Stacey was just talking to me during class," that's kinda the truth i mean she did talk to me.

he groans softly. "what did she say?"

"Ace-" he cups my cheeks with both of his hands, looking me dead in the eyes.

"no bebé [baby] listen, you're going to tell me what she said alright. i don't care if you think it's not important but it is to me okay?" bebé. that's a new one. i nod my head slowly, before starting.

"all she said was that i should be careful because apparently your 'not perfect'," i lift my hands up emphasising not perfect in quotation marks, "and that you text her a lot and you two hook up every so often," i finish. his eyes flicker between both of mine before looking down.

"don't listen to her okay. i've never hooked up with her. we've made out twice and that's the only times i've texted her. the first time i was mad and she told me that she could help me if i needed someone so i texted her and then the second time my....my mind was a bit-uh-all over the place. but i've never slept with anyone before and if i had of it definitely wouldn't have been her," he explains. wow that was a story.

"you're a virgin?" it slips out before i can stop it and my hand lifts up and slaps over my mouth, my eyes going wide. he lets out a small laugh before nodding. i let my hand fall from my face, resting at my side again. i nod.

"me too," i tell him. he laughs again, this time a bit louder.

"i figured," i slap his chest.

"what's that supposed to mean?" i scoffed.  his moves his hands from my cheeks to the back of my head and pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my body. my arms find their way sneaking around his masculine waist. i feel him kiss my head through my hair.

"no, no, it's just that whenever the boys talk about sex you cringe up and blush, i'm sorry i didn't mean it in a bad way," he whispers. crap he notices that. i let out a 'it's okay' which gets muffled by his shirt.

we stay in the closet for the rest of the lesson cuddling and talking until the bell rang. we got up and out of the stuffy room and it felt so good to breathe fresh air again. Ace grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the cafeteria. once we are there we find the others and go to the table. i go to sit down but Ace pulls me back up. i look up at him questioning what he is doing.

"who wants to ditch school and go to the beach?" he asks.

"fuck yes!" Amelia screams. i glare at her.

"language," i grumble. i feel Ace wrap his arm around me and pull me into him.

"sweet, then let's go,"


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