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'we accept the love
we think we deserve
~stephan chbosky'

monday rolled around faster then i had expected. my weekend was taken up by Ace, Sebastian and Ethan annoying the crap out of me. all three boys were attached to my hips the whole two days apart from the nights when it was only Ace and i. mama had texted me and told me that her, Cole and papa would be gone for a month before they were done on their business trip.

i decided to not tell her about Ace staying over because i feel like i'd get my ass beat. his parents haven't tried to contact him at all. my heart breaks for him and he tells me he doesn't care but i know deep down he does.

my head slips from my hand and lands on the desk with a loud bang. well that definitely woke me up. i cradle my head as i hear a few giggle come from around the class.

"Miss Jeffery, is my voice boring you?" Mrs Arntel's voice rumbles through the class. come on we can do it. five more minutes then lunch and one more class and we are out of here.

"well yeah a little bit if i'm honest," i mutter. a look up through my fingers and see her roll her eyes before turning back to the front board.

"you're an idiot you know," i hear Jaymes whisper from beside me.

"go away your making my headache worse," i hiss. he chuckles quietly.

"you got no sleep obviously. what were you doing? having some intimate time with Mr Ace Kole?" he teases. i pick up my pencil and throw it at him but he easily dodges it and i watch as it flies into the head of the girl sitting next to him. i cover my face and stifle a laugh as i hear Jaymes doing the same. i look up and see her glaring at me. i give her a sweet smile as she throws my pencil on the ground and directs her attention back to her book.

"shut up," i lean over and smack Jaymes over the head and chuckle softly. the bell rings and we all stand up and run out of the room. neither Jaymes or i brought anything to that lesson except for the one pencil i found on the ground in the hall so we head straight to the cafeteria. we sit at our table and talk about how much of an idiot i am while we wait for our friends. i feel something heavy plonk onto my head and arms wrap around my shoulders. i look up and see Ace looking down at me.

"well hello there," i say. he smiles, his dimples showing.

"hola hermosá," he kisses the top of my head before sitting next to me.

"you know Gray hit some kid in the head with a pencil," Jaymes speaks up. i glare at him.

"it was an accident! i was aiming for you, butt head," i growl out. i notice that Amelia, Ethan and Sebastian have joined us as well now. Ethan and Seb start laughing and i feel Ace's body start shaking and i turn and glare at him. his eyes go wide and he clears his throat turning to the guys.

"stop laughing," he tells them with a stern voice. they don't stop. i roll my eyes and collapse my head against Ace's shoulder. the rest of the lunch and day go on with my so called 'friends' making fun of me for hitting that girl. after school Ace and i go back home and spend the after noon watching movies and eating junk.


tuesday morning i wake up and Ace isn't in bed with me. i feel myself frown but brush it off. i go downstairs and search the house and he's no where to be seen. did he just leave? i shrug off the disappointed feeling and head back into my room. i see his bag still on the floor and some of his clothes scattered on the floor. so he didn't leave, where is he then? i get ready and head off to school still with no sign of Ace anywhere.

the day starts passing by and he still hasn't shown up or answered my texts. Ethan and Sebastian aren't here either, i wonder if something happened with the gang. Amelia, Jaymes and i all sit at our table in the cafeteria and i notice that Amelia is being super quiet.

"Amelia? are you okay?" i ask worried. she nods and continues eating her food.

"Jaymes do you know what's wrong?" i turn to my other friend who just shrugs. what the hell is going on? a loud bang echos through the big room and i jump in shock, turning to the back of the cafeteria. and guess what i see. there he is in his handsome glory, pushing a table to connect with another that sends another loud bang through the room. what the hell is he doing.

Ace stands up on top of the table and searches the room with his eyes until they land on mine. a massive smile stretches over his face and i give him a confused look. by now everyone has shut up and is watching Ace.

"Gracie," he starts with a loud voice as Ethan and Seb walk up to him and give him a boquete of flowers, "will you do me the great honours of being my girlfriend?" murmurs echo through the cafeteria but i sit there in shock. holy shit. i'm lost of words and my stomach is full of butterflies all i can make is a nod.

Ace jumps and yells out a yes before hopping down from the tables. students start clapping but my brain blocks them out as i focus on Ace who's walking straight for me. the second he reaches me he lifts me up and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. i giggle as he kisses my cheek and ear, tickling it. he pulls back and plants a big sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"eww Acee," i laugh wiping his spit off. i turn to Jaymes and Amelia.

"did you guys know?" i ask. they both nod.

"traitors," i mutter turning back to Ace. he still has a massive smile on his face making me smile as well.

"do you want to have the rest of the day off?" he asks. i nod quickly not even thinking about it. free chance of getting out of hell. yes please! Ace leans over and tells the others before pulling me out of the school. we reach his motorcycle and he hops on.

"it's okay i have another helmet for you," he tells me and i relax instantly. i walk over and straddle the bike behind Ace. i slip on the helmet as he starts up the engine. quickly wrapping my arms around his waist i get comfy as he speeds off out of the parking lot. i feel the cool wind blow throw my hair that's hanging out from the bottom of my helmet.

we drive around as i enjoy my first time on a motorcycle before Ace pulls into a part of town i didn't even know existed. he drives slow until we stop in front of a cut little cafe. Ace hops off pulling off his helmet and i do the same. he takes the helmet from my hands and hangs it onto one of the handle bars and grabbing my hand pulling me towards the cafe door.

a small ding echos through the small shop and we enter. small fairy lights hang from the ceiling above the few tables that hold a few people.

Ace leans down and whispers in my ear, "do you trust me?" i nod.

"of course, why?" i ask him.

"i'm gonna order what i always get for both of us okay?" he tells me. i nod knowing i'll probably like it. we walk up to the counter and a girl about our age stands there picking her freakishly long acrylic nails. her face is orange from her makeup and her mouth moves up and down as she chomps on her gum.

she notices us standing there and looks up with a annoyed face before her eyes land on Ace. her eyes light up and her posture immediately straightens and she stops chewing her gum.

"hi what can i do for you today?" she asks in sickly sweet voice. Ace shuffles slightly like he's uncomfortable under her gaze.

"uh can i please have-" i ignore what he says and focus my gaze back on the girl. her finger moves in circles her hair wrapping around it as she bats her eyelashes in a very unattractive way, "-thanks," Ace finishes.

"of course," she says giggling softly moving her attention to the computer in front of her. i look up at Ace to see his gaze is already on me. his eyes go wide like he's silently begging me for help. i laugh softly, shaking my head and turn back to the cashier chick.

"here you go," she hands Ace a plastic square with a number on it. she covers almost the whole thing so he would have to touch her to get it, that's smart. Ace spots a bit that she not touching and grabs it with two fingers quickly yanking it out of her hand before letting go of mine and bolting off to a booth.

i laugh again and walk to where Ace is now seated and slide into the opposite side of the booth. i watch him as he starts to fake gag making me laugh even more. soon enough we're both in fits of laughter probably disturbing the other customers but i don't even care. i'm having fun with..... my boyfriend.

boyfriend. i like the sound of that.


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