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last nights events replay in my head as i run my fingers over his cheek bones. how can someone be so beautiful, my god. nona would have have loved him so much. i decided not to dwell on the fact that she's gone. she's with popa and i'm sure she's happy. anyway she's smack me across the head for being sad if she could. a small smile plays on my lips as i focus on Ace. placing both hands on his face, cupping his cheeks i run my fingers over his cheeks and over his ears. drawing small patterns over his tanned skin taking in everything about him. his brown eyes come into view as they flutter open.

"hey." he smiles softly.

"hey." i reply. a question pops into my head and slips out before i can stop it.

"why'd you start being so nice to me?" he looks taken back and i instantly regret speaking.

"you don't have to answer that. sorry." i rush out, moving my hands down to rest on his chest as his hand moves and cups my cheek.

"no it's okay i want to. uh well when i first saw you you intrigued me. you're so gorgeous and it was all i could think about. you were different. you actually talked to me and didn't run off. it made me. happy i guess." he ended in a near whisper. my heart was pounding and i was slightly taken back. god i really like him.

"wow." i breathe out.

"yeah and uh i need to tell you something." he says. i let out i 'mmm'.

"i like you." he rushes out squeezing his eyes shut like he's hiding. how can you be hot and cute at the same time. i lean forward pecking his lips lightly.

"i like you too cutie." i tell him. he frowns.

"i'm not cute." he grumbles. awww. a loud bang from down stairs interrupts us. i give Ace a confused look and he sits up straight, putting his arm out straight in front of me as if protecting me from something.

"come out love birds, we know you're here we saw Gracie's car out the front!" a familiar voice yells out. Sebastian. i roll my eyes and see Ace visibly relax. he turns around facing me and falls forward, collapsing on top of me. i let out a grunt and wrap my my arms around him. i hear the pounds of footsteps coming up the stairs. all of a sudden they stop and it's quiet. i shake Ace and all i get is groan. too busy focusing on Ace i don't notice the footsteps running into the room before i fell the weight of two extra teenage boys on top of me.

"oh my god." i wheezed our barley being able to breathe. all three boys start laughing making the weight worse. oh god. this is how i'm going to die. my hand lifts up and starts smacking someone.

"you. guys. are. killing. me." i whisper. someone heard me because soon the weight is off me. letting out a few coughs i relax finally being able to breathe again.

"god you guys are so fat." i mutter. i hear someone scoff before Seb speaks up.

"baby that's not fat that's muscle." i don't even have to open my eyes to know that he's flexing his arms. i shake my head, laughing. i open my eyes and Ace is right up in my face.

"oh-uh-hi there." i stutter. he laughs before lifting me off the bed and leaving the room. once we are downstairs and in the kitchen, Ace puts me down onto the bench and walks over to the toaster putting some bread in.

"so why are you guys here?" Ace turns asking the boys.

"well," Seb starts looking at Ethan," this idiot thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with Joel and got know that's just gonna get us in....." he trails off looking at me like he's revealing something i shouldn't know.

"what?" i question now that all three boys are staring at me.

"uh nothing it's fine." Seb rushes out, eyes wide. Ethan turns to Seb with a confused look on his face.

"what are you talking about Joel is more than-" Seb cuts Ethan off by slapping his hand over his mouth. okay what the hell?

"okay someone better tell me what's going on." i say. Seb and Ace start having some weird telepathic conversation while Ethan starts picking the grains out of his whole meal bread. Seb walks over and grabs Ace's arm pulling him into another room. i look back to Ethan who's looking kinda sad.

"hey Ethan, what's the matter?" he looks up and gives me a sad smile.

"it's just that, i mad Joel mad and now u just made everything worse for Ace and Seb. i mean things were already bad but ugh i wish we never joined that stupid gang." he rushes out. huh?

"wait you're all in a gang?" i ask. he nods.

"yeah i uh needed money to help out my mum when i was like 12 and Joel came along -he's the leader of the gang you know like that big scary guy omg the movies," i give him a soft nod," yeah and he said he could help me out so i took this offer and ended up in a gang. then Ace and Sebastian found out and joined as well. they said it was for safety but then stuff went down hill. Joel is a powerful guy and he was getting us to do messed up things. we've been trying to get out for a couple months now." he finishes with a sigh.

"you guys really care about each other don't you?" i smile at him.

"yeah i guess we do. i mean i don't know where i'd be with out them, their my brothers." he blushes looking down. after a bit of silence there's movement behind me. Ace and Sebastian come back into the room and sit on either side of Ethan. we sit in quiet before i speak up.

"so you're all in a gang, that's cool."

the two boys faces were priceless.


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