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one month


"anything?" i lean beside Carlos as he types on the computer. he shakes his head.

"nothing. was there anything that happened before she was taken that we can track?" he asks. i frown trying to replay the days before Gracie was taken. it's been a month but it feels like so much longer than that. i miss her so much.

i want to hold her and tell her everything will be okay. i miss her laugh. i miss watching her and Ethan running around her lounge room trying not to get caught by Everest.

Everest. he knows something is wrong. everyday i go back to Seb's house he sits waiting at the door like he's waiting for her to come back but she never does.

i like her a lot and just as i made her mine she was ripped out of my fingers.

"Ronan," i turn around and see Sebastian standing behind me with Ethan next to him. they both look like shit. bags under their eyes and messy hair. i'd hate to see how i look. at least they can sleep. lucky bastards.

wait did he say Ronan?

"what about him?" Carlos spins around in his chair to face them. it's all clicks in my head and my eyes go wide.

"Ronan. he came up to her while Seb and i were taking care of something," i tell him.

"well he is known for taking things he wants, ask Joel if they can try search their compound and find her," he nods turning back around and typing some shit into the computer.

"come on," i push past the boys heading towards Joel's office.


"yes Mrs Jefferey we are doing everything we can," i move my eyes down to watch my hands that rest in my lap. it's been a whole month as if the police are doing all they can, they just ask people to come up with witnesses and suspects. they aren't searching. they aren't looking.

"my daughter has been gone for a month officer, i appreciate all you're doing but you can't tell me that there can't be more done," Mrs Jefferey says sternly. i lift my head and see the officer look down.

"i will talk to the chief and see what else we can do," he mumbles. Mrs Jefferey nods at him.

"okay, thank you. i'll see you soon," he nods and her and walks down the hall towards me. i reach out and grab his arm and he looks down at me.

"find my best friend. please," i beg him. he gives me a small smile and nods walking out the front door.


"mummy why are you crying?" i ask. mummy and daddy said that Gray went on a school trip for a bit but it's been a long long time and i just want her to come back already. mummy lifts up her hands and wipes away her tears.

"i just miss Gracie that's all," she tells me. i walk over and stand in front of her.

"it's okay mummy, i miss her too. but soon she'll be back from her school trip and we can all have family game night again!" i jump up and down. i love family game night, me and Gray always win against mummy and daddy. mummy laughs a bit and i give her a big cheesy smile.

i just wanna give Gray a BIG hug.

2 months


i run my fingers over that scar that lays across my thigh. where is it from? some bitch ass threw a knife at me on my first punishment but said he didn't want to hit a girl. douche.

i'm not sure how long i've been here, i can't count the days because there's not a god damn window down in this basement.

they take me upstairs to let me go to the toilet. that's how i figured out i was in a basement. it's underneath a cottage and from what i can see from out the windows up there it looked like it was in the woods that sit on the edge of town.

whenever i went to the toilet it was bright out side apart from the two times when it was night. from the little information i have i'd say it's been about 3 weeks max.

they took down the mirror in the bathroom as well so i have no clue how bad i look.

i blink my eyes a couple times when i feel blood trickle down from my temple, along the side of my eye and down my cheek. Ronan left not that long ago after giving me my 'punishment'.

he comes down every so often, talks to me about leadership and how it's hard to run a gang. i tell him i don't give two shits and talk back and he gives me a punishment. that's how it works.

the door opens again and i wonder why he's back already. i'm suprised when i see a boy i've come to know as Eli walk in with a steaming bowl in his hands. he shuts the door and walks over to me with a smile on his face.

"hey," he whispers. he has blond hair that glimmers softly under the small light hanging from the roof. his blue eyes are wide and glint with happiness as his cheeks go pink and mix with the freckles scattered along his cheeks.

"hey," i return. i've learnt that he is the same age as me and is homeschooled. Ronan is his uncle but he doesn't take after his evil acts and i can tell as he brings me food every so often.

"i made this for you. i'm sorry i haven't brought anything for a bit i was on a family trip but i hope Ronan has been giving you soup and bread like usual," he says apologetically. i smile at him.

"thank you E. and yes he has it's okay," i tell him taking the 2 minute noodle from his hands and start shovelling it in. i hear him laugh softly at my actions but i can't help it i love noodles.

i'm finished in no time and i hand the bowl back to Eli.

"i don't know why he has you here but i'll help you out," Eli whispers.

"Eli i don't want you to get into trouble. i know Ronan will do something and i don't want you getting hurt because of me," i tell him as i move my hand and place it over his, ignoring the clinking of the chains.

he moves his hand and runs his fingers over the raw skin under the metal that's wrapped around my wrists.

"i've been figuring out a plan," he smiles softly, "it's taking a bit but it will work," he moves his head up and looks me in the eyes.

"i'm gonna get you out of here Gracie.

i promise,"


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