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it's been about 2 weeks since i came back. i talked to the police and told them what happened but i told them i didn't know any names. i remember Ronan saying things about him and Ace and if he got found and something happened then i'm scared of what could happen to Ace.

speaking of Ace, he hasn't left my side since Eli brought me to him. i mean i'm not complaining but he literally stands outside the door when i go to the toilet. dude.

mama and papa have completely accepted him into the family. he stays over every night and stays in my room. Cole has fallen in love with him which is cool.

i walk up the stairs after retrieving a bath towel for Ace while he takes a shower. i drop it by the door and bang on the wall a few time.

"your towel is outside the door!" i yell. i hear an 'okay' and walk back into my room, slamming the door and collapsing on my bed. i lay scrolling through instagram until i hear my door open and softly close again.

i sit up and look at Ace who is in his full shirtless glory. not wanting him to see that i'm interested in his perfectly sculpted abs i turn back to my phone and keep scrolling. i hear him shuffle over to the bed before he jumps onto it making me bounce up and let go of my phone as it hits me in the face.

"ow," i rub my nose softly. i look at Ace who has his eyes closed and could be mistaken as asleep.

"oi loser," i poke his cheek.

"i'm not a loser. i'm your super sexy boyfriend," he grumbles. i laugh at the seriousness in his voice. i lay my body down next to him, still laughing.

"cocky douche bag," i mutter wrapping my arm around his back.

"i'm ignoring you now," he grumbles again sounding genuinely offended. i laugh again yelling a chorus of 'sorry's. his body turns around to face me, as he swings his arm over me pulling me close to him.

placing a soft kiss on my head he whispers, "it's okay i guess,"

          we lay in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence before Ace speaks up

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we lay in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence before Ace speaks up.

"i have, i have a secret," he whispers.

"what is it?" i question. is it bad? good?

"i'll tell you," he breathes deeply, "just give me a sec,"

i frown, slightly worried. "you okay?"

he nods but doesn't say anything. silence follows for a few seconds before he says something i didn't expect the secret to be.

"i think i love you," he blurts. my heart skips a beat and the butterflies in my stomach start partying. love? love is a big word.

"are you... are you sure?" i ask. i squeeze my eyes shut instantly regretting that question. who the hell says that. especially after someone tells you they love you. wtf Gracie.

"yeah i'm pretty positive," he says, his voice stronger this time.

i nod. "i think, i might love you too. i've never been in love before so i don't really know what it-" my rambling is cut off by Ace's lips against mine. awe. how cliché. i kiss him back, forgetting about how i've embarrassed myself multiple times within a span of seconds and enjoy the moment.

we pull away both breathless. i hear the faint sound of Ace's ringtone coming from somewhere in my room but he makes no move to get it. the ringing stops but starts again seconds later.

"are you going to get that?" i ask, giggling softly. he groans rolling off the bed, literally, and retrieving his phone. he looks at the caller ID and he's suddenly on his feet.

"you alright?" i ask sitting up. he nods fast, stepping forward planting a slipping kiss before walking towards the door.

"i've gotta go somewhere i'll call you in a bit," he yells as he leaves my room heading down stairs.

can you guess who didn't get a call?

❁ ❁ ❁

it's currently 1:26 am and i cant sleep and guess who's home alone. me. Ace hasn't called or even sent a text yet and mama and papa left for a business trip. being alone scares me. it reminds me to much of all the time i spent alone in that filthy basement.

i chuck the duvet off my body and hop out of the warm bed. slowly trudging out of my room, i skip down the stairs and head into the kitchen.

"holy fuck!" i scream, jumping into the air when i spot the figure sitting at the kitchen island. i reach over and flick the light on, my racing heart calming down when i realise it's Ace.

"you scared me," i mutter. he laughs and shakes his head his eyes still trained on the bench.

"you okay?" i ask walking closer to him. he lifts his head up and a sharp gasp leaves my lips. blood flows out his nose and pools around the top of his lips. his eye has bruising around it and his temple has a long deep looking scratch across it.

"i'm fine i promise. it looks worse than it feels," he smiles. i shake my head lifting my hand up to run it along his cheek bone.

"what the hell...." i let the question drag on not really knowing what to say. what was he doing and why the hell does he look so hot beaten up? how is that even possible?

"you'll find out soon," his adam's apple bobs up and down, "i thought you were asleep so i didn't come up, sorry,"

"no you don't need to apologise it's okay, i'm okay, you're not. come on let's go upstairs," i grab his hand and start walking upstairs. i ignore what he said about me finding out soon and focus on the main problem. we reach my room and i close the door, turning to him.

"have a shower and clean up. i'll be waiting for cuddles," i say pushing him towards my bathroom. i feel his back vibrate against my hands and i can still hear him laughing after i've shoved him and closed the bathroom door.

shaking my head i walk over to my bed and collapse onto it. about 10 minutes later Ace comes back out and changes into some different clothes and joins me on the bed.

it's still pitch black since i didn't turn any lights on but that's good because i don't have to get up. i'm lazy. so what. i snuggle up closer to Ace glad that he's back.

"i love you hermosá ," he whispers. butterflies fill my stomach and i realise i'll never get used to that.

"i love you too," i smile into his chest glad he can't see the blush that's taking over my face.


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