4. Magnus

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      I stayed with Alex past midnight. I couldn't bring myself to let her go, especially when she started telling me about her father. I stayed and listened, and comforted her. Eventually, she fell asleep, and I carried her to her bed. I set her down, covered her up, and left.
      I walked back to my own apartment, happy that she trusted me even though we had only met 2 days ago, but sad and angry about what her father did to her. A father like him doesn't deserve such a beautiful girl, I had thought. I went to bed thinking about his terrible fatherly skills.
I woke up, and headed to the kitchen for some coffee. I looked out the window, and there he was. I said he, because something about him told me he was male today. "Hey Alex!" I said, waving at him. He was standing in front of the sink, washing out his coffee cup. His green locks were styled to seem tousled, and his eyes were as sparkly as ever. He was wearing a green and pink tie-dyed sweatshirt.
He waved back at me, beaming. "How's it going?" He asked, finishing with the cup. "Fine, I guess. Dude, it's too early in the morning to be this happy. What's your secret?" I asked. "Well- wait. How did you know?" "Know what?" "That I was male today?" He questioned, bewildered. "Well, I don't know. I just saw you, and thought you were male." I responded with a shrug. "Wow. No one else has ever done that before..." He said, confused. (SEE THIS IS WHY YOU TWO ARE SOULMATES! Okay, I'll get back to the story now.)
"Well, I used to live on the streets, so maybe that made me more perceptive?" I said. "Why were you on the streets?" Alex asked. "Well, my mom died 4 years ago, so after that I was on the streets until I was 16. Then, my uncle swooped in and had me live in his mansion with him. Then I got a job and earned enough money to get my own apartment, and this is where I've lived for the past year." I answered. "Oh, I didn't know your moms death sent you onto the streets." He said, with an expression full of pity. "I'm happy now, but I still mourn for her." I responded.
Then I resumed drinking my coffee. Alex got some cereal and sat down at her table. I noticed a canvas behind him . "You paint?" I asked. "Yeah, and I do pottery too. I just haven't unpacked my pottery wheel yet." He answered. "Oh cool." I responded. Smooth, Magnus. Real smooth.
"I gotta go, ok? I'll see you later." Alex said, getting up and leaving. "Bye!" I responded, waving enthusiastically. Alex snorted and said "Dork.", before walking out the door.
Wow Magnus, you're so good at flirting. "Shut the fuck up." I said to myself.

So, this was more of backstory chapter. Not much really happened. But I promise I'll have better chapters in the future. I know 35 reads doesn't seem like a lot, but it is to me since this is my first book. Thank you so much! Bye!

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