10. Magnus

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(Trigger Warning: cutting)
      All I could think about was her father. He was a bastard. He murdered her best friend. And he wasn't even guilty. I wanted to sentence him to the same fate as his victim. He hurt Alex, and didn't even feel any remorse for his actions. Alex cried for so long last night, and had nightmares. I couldn't bare to leave her alone, so I slept with her on the couch.
      When morning came, Alex thanked me and went home. My day consisted of researching the man, and hitting my head against the wall. I couldn't believe what he had done. I wanted to do terribly violent things to him for hurting Alex. It scared me that she hadn't spoke to me all day. I knew she was in shock and needed time to heal, but my nerves got the best of me and I walked over to her apartment.
       When I got there, I saw her apartment door unlocked, and open. I ran into the apartment, searching for her. I heard her cries coming from her room, no, his room, and barged in. I found Alex on the floor of the connected bathroom, crying. I ran over to him, and saw blood dripping down his arm, and him clutching something in his hand. "Alex! What are you doing?!" I yelled fearfully. I pried open his hand, which held a razor blade. His hand was covered in blood, a result of clutching it so hard. It was at this moment that I noticed the bottle of bleach sitting next to Alex on the floor. He was going to kill himself.
       I grabbed the razor blade, and put it on top of the cabinet where Alex couldn't reach it. I picked him up, since he was surprisingly light, and set him on the toilet. "M-Magnus, please. Make t-the pain go away!" Alex yelled, collapsing into my arms, sobbing.
       "Shh. It's going to be alright. I have to know though. Did you already drink the bleach?" I asked softly." "N-no." He responded. I sighed in relief. "Alright, good. I just have to clean up your wounds." I said, fumbling with the first aid kit I found under the sink. I pulled out the hydrogen peroxide and some cotton pads, and began to dab them on the wounds. Alex hissed and recoiled in pain, but was otherwise still.
       I saw the scars on his wrists and arms from past cuts, but didn't say anything. I knew he was in a terrible state, both mentally and physically, and I didn't want to hurt him more than he already has done to himself.
       Once I was done, I looked into his eyes. "Why would you do that to yourself?" I asked in a soft tone. "I-it helped me get a hold on myself. The pain hurt more than his pain, at least for a little while. I-I'm so sorry." "Hey, hey. It's going to be alright Alex. It's all fine. It's okay." I said soothingly. Alex began to cry again. I cursed the man that had broken him to this point.

Wow. I can't believe we're almost as 2K reads! I remember being excited when I saw that I had 6 reads on the first chapter, but now we're here and I couldn't be happier. Thank you guys so much for your support!

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