8. Alex

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        "So.... I'm going to assume the party was fun last night?" I asked. "Y-yeah." He responded nervously. His behavior is off, I thought, suspicious. Usually he's cocky and weird. Well at least that's how I think he acts, since I literally met him, like, two weeks ago maybe.
         I shrugged the thought off, and finished my coffee. I walked into the living room, and began to mold some clay on my wheel. I got so involved that I didn't notice the time passing, and before I knew it, it was noon. I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the ingredients for a sandwich.
Once my sandwich was done, I grabbed some lemonade from my fridge, poured it into a cup, and sat down at my table.
        Once I finished my sandwich, I put my plate in the sink, and glanced out the window. There Magnus was, at his table, doing something on his computer. I looked closer, and saw he was on a website called WattPad. What he was doing looked pretty interesting, so I grabbed my laptop and searched it up.
        It turns out it was this website where people wrote stories and posted them for others to read. I quickly got pulled to a story on my recommended page, and jumped in.
        I got so invested in my laptop that it was hours later when I finally emerged from the inter-webs. I had gotten sucked into that website so fast it wasn't even funny. I decided I didn't want to make dinner, and headed down to the deli across the street. I grabbed my second sandwich of the day, and left to go back to my apartment. I was crossing the street, when someone smacked into me. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see-" I cut myself off with a gasp when I saw who it was.

Hey guys! It's been a little while since I've posted anything, but now that school has settled in, its been easier. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and there'll be more to come! Especially because of that little cliffhanger... Love you guys! I can't believe we're at 1K reads!!! There's definitely a lot more coming, so be ready!! See you guys in the next update! -no

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