13. Alex

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It's been two weeks since Magnus found me in the bathroom. Two weeks I've spent alone, in my room. Sobs racked my body, as I curled further into myself on the floor of my bedroom. I probably looked like a mess, with mascara running down my face, since I'd been female since the incident. I'd barely eaten. I only had granola bars and water in my body, since I could barely keep anything down.

         I clutched my hair in my hands, pulling at the green strands. I began to hyperventilate, tears flooding down my cheeks, and dripping onto the carpet below. My body was shaking with the force of the sobs ripping themselves from my throat. I screamed, as loud as I could. It was hoarse, with all the sobbing from before. Minutes passed. I couldn't get oxygen fast enough. I knew I needed my inhaler, but I couldn't bring myself to get up. My bones and muscles felt like jelly.

        I couldn't breathe, or move. I was having a panic attack, and a bad one at that. Suddenly, I heard the front door of the apartment slam open, and Magnus was racing into my room a few seconds later. I forgot to close the damn window again. He probably heard me through the window.

        "Gods, Alex. How long have you been like this? I heard you screaming from my room." He said, worry etched into his beautiful features. "In-inhaler..." I managed to choke out, despite my hysterical sobbing.

         He looked around my room, and saw the bright red inhaler sitting on my dresser. He snatched it up, and handed it to me. He pulled me into a sitting position, and I managed to use the inhaler. I felt myself begin to calm down, and slumped to the side, against my queen-sized bed. I took deep breaths, and wiped my face. My hands came away streaked with black.

         I managed a weak smile, and looked up at Magnus. "I look like shit, don't I?" I asked, with a small chuckle. "You scared the heck out of me, Alex. What even triggered that?" He asked, concerned. "I-I don't even know. One second I was standing in the bathroom doing my makeup, and the next I was hysterical on the ground. It's getting so bad. And I don't know how to make it stop."

Tears began to run down my face again, and my breathing began to quicken. "Hey, hey. Stop that. Everything is fine Alex. I've got you," Magnus said, pulling me into his chest and stroking my hair. "You smell like wet dog," I said, leaning away from him. He chuckled. "There's the Alex I know. Come on. Let's get you a cup of tea," he teased, pulling me up from the ground gently by my forearms.

We stumbled into my kitchen, and he pulled my clean favorite mug off of the drying rack next to the sink. I walked over to the cabinet, and grabbed a bag of vanilla tea. I turned around, and watched Magnus fill up a kettle with water. He turned the stove on, and we sat at my table, waiting for the water to boil.

I looked at Magnus, and suddenly, his lips were on mine. My eyes widened, and then closed, as I brought my arms up around his neck. He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I let him in hesitantly. We explored each other's mouths tentatively, and finally broke apart for air. "Wow," I panted, my chest heaving. "That was-"

I was cut off by the kettle whistling, signaling that the water was hot enough. Magnus lurched from the table, face bright red, and stumbled clumsily over to the stove and turning the water off.

"I suppose we should make the tea now, shouldn't we?"

So I've finally gotten back with another chapter. And of course, because I made you guys wait so long, you guys got a special surprise! Did you enjoy the FierroChase kiss? I love all of you, and I hope you're excited for what's in store. Love y'all!

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