Monday at Midtown High

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Peter's P.O.V.

    Mondays are the worst; all I want to do is slip on my Spider-Man suit and help the people in need but instead I HAVE to be stuck in a building learning how to solve a linear function. The only time school is somewhat exciting is at lunch when Ned, M.J., and, I can talk about Star Wars. But today was different. There was a new girl in school today. She was very pretty and she had all of my classes. She had long soft brown hair that went to the middle of her back. She had the brightest blue eyes you could ever see.

    She was just different. It was hard paying attention in class, cause I was staring at her the whole time. I don't know how she didn't notice. Everyone was staring at her. Even Flash! I can't stand him at all. He flirts with every girl in the school (except M.J. because she could kill him and he knows that). I couldn't let that happen to this girl.

~skips to lunch

"I got a new Lego Deathstar over 200 pieces want to come help me Peter?" ned asked.

I wasn't paying any attention I was trying to find the new girl, maybe she will come sit with us. I might even be able to get to know a little about her, since she doesn't talk that much. I spotted her across the cafeteria and smiled as we locked eyes watching her cheeks turn a bright red. I waved at her implying for her to come sit down. My heart started racing when she decided to walk over.

"peter are you ok dude?!?" ned asked snapping me back into reality.

"yeah, man i'm just trying to see if the new girl will come sit with us." I said looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still coming. I lost my words when I realized she was right behind him and took a seat right next to him.

Your pov

"hi i'm y/n brook." I said. I hated using my fake last name it was so annoying not being able to tell people about the real me. But my dad thinks I still need to be hidden since I have only been training for 10 years!!

"hi y/n my name is Ned, that's Peter, and that's MJ. It's nice to meet you." ned said with a very happy tone. He seemed like he would be a pretty cool friend. I look up at the girl MJ and see her nose stuck in the hunger games books.

"I love that series I can't believe they changed the movies so much it's way different then the books." I said in a angry tone at the end. she looked up at me and smiled.

"I like this human." she said in a happy tone then went right back to reading.

I look to the boy who is sitting in front of me peter I think. He is actually in all of my classes which I don't mind one bit. However I know I can't let him into my life. That always leads to trouble. It takes me a minute to realize I'm staring right in this boys eyes. He has soft brown eyes with dark curls hanging down he forehead.  My stomach gets a weird feeling so I break the eye contact and the awkward silence.

"hi Peter I-it's nice to see you again." I stuttered a little but just because I wasn't planning on saying anything.

"again??" Ned asked surprised. 

"oh. yeah, w-we have s-some classes together." he said still staring at me. 

"Some more like all." I said making everybody laugh a little even MJ. 

"so, y/n where did you move here from?" ned asked 

"I have always lived here I just was home schooled cause I didn't like being around people." I said with a little giggle.

peter pov

That giggle oh my gosh that giggle. Her smile could light up a million rooms. The bell rung bringing me away from my thoughts.  

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