The Escape

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It was cold as you ran outside. You analysed the white substance which fell from the sky. Water. You turned around and already heard voices from a few Guards.
For a moment you could see the entrance clearly through the fog and saw your Creator standing there , pointing at you. The guards ran towards you. Without more hesitation you kept running.
The path was wet but you managed to run towards the Entrance gate.

It's closed!...

You stopped infront of the huge gate & walked to the small house and looked through the window. You analysed it and hacked the gate and it started opening with a loud noise.
You walked out backwards and also closed it again and watched the guards stop infront of the half closed gate.
The Speakers turned on and you looked over to them.
"Very clever... RK700. You know... a deviant like you won't survive a week in Detroit so  come back inside" "WHY DO I HAVE THESE EMOTIONS?!" You yelled back.
"That's just a error in your programme what can be fixed.. so come back. Your childish behaviour gets on my nerves... you're supposed to be a Teen Android Detective...".
You stepped backwards away. "RA9 ... they said this will help us..." You said "what is RA9!?".
"That's not important for you now..." Kamski said.
You noticed black figures moving near the gate and you stepped back.
"Were done here..." You said and turned around and kept running.
"GET HIM!!" Kamski yelled through the Speakers.

You followed the Path until you lost directions and just kept running.
You heard Cars and ran towards the noises.
You can to a high way and ran along the side way.
After a while you felt save and started walking.
A street sign showed up and you followed the direction to Detroit.

After a while you came in the city and walked into a alley.
You leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

I don't get it... how did this happen. I suddenly felt sad... as this android got destroyed infront of me. He said I am deviant. I already heard this term a couple of times but... this can't be. They get hunted in Detroit and destroyed. I need a save place... and that quick...

You looked to the street and made your way back.
You had to hide your LED somehow.
You looked around and saw a Cap laying on a Trashcan.
Trying to act normal , you walked over to the street and took the Cap & put it on.
At least now no one could see your LED anymore.


You still needed normal clothes.
Of course... in lost property office's you would get some.
You analysed your surrounding and walked to a Washing store.
The office was just downstairs so you took the stairs down and saw many boxes.
Right now no one was in there anyway so if you would be quick you could just take them.

You took boxers , a Shirt , pullover , shorts & pants , socks , jackets , shoes & A bag.
You stuffed the clothes you weren't wearing into the bag and searched the other boxes for stuff you could use later.
A knife , Flashlight , water can , Lunch box , a wallet with a bit money in and a few other stuff.
You saw an umbrella , also took it and left back upstairs.
You checked if someone was there and quickly left.
Outside you put your bag on your back and opened the umbrella and walked down the street , following the signs.

You came past a Cofee shop and looked through the window.
People sat there and drank or ate.
You were an android , you didn't needed that so you kept walking across the Parking place and noticed 2 Police cars with people in it.
You hid your face and as you hid behind a car and heard a report though the open window of the police car.

Kamski was searching for you and called the police to find you.
You shivered and slowly crawled along the car , got up and walked towards a gate.
You heard steps and someone grabbed your shoulder.
"Hey , what are you doing here all alone?" A deep voice said. Slowly you turned around and looked at a older guy with grey hair. You analysed him. Lieutenant Hank Anderson was his name.
A other guy came out the car , an android. His code said RK800.
"Everything alright Lieutenant?" "Connor... can you scan this kid..?".
You flinched and backed away from them & ran to the gate but the Android called Connor was faster.

He grabbed you as you tried to climb over the gate and fixed you on the ground.
"LET ME GO!" You yelled and struggled under him.
"Seems like we found the lost android... whatever. Let's get him to the Police department to be sure..." "Understood..." Connor said and picked you up over his shoulder.
"YOU FCKING PRICK LET ME GO!!". Connor put handcuffs around your Wrists and sat you in the back of the car.
You struggled until you realised it was useless.
"Tch... they were right.." You sighed. "With what.." "Humans are monsters..." You said and looked away.
You saw Connor looking through the Back mirror at you as you looked up for a moment.

You came so far... this can't be the end now..


*kicks the door open* sUp

No I did not enter this fandom xD I am in it for a while now and suddenly got this idea...
Just saying. If you don't like Garvin *opens door* GET . OUT :>
Because this story is a lot with him & Reader. AAND NO THIS IS NOT YAOI OR shipping stuff.
A nORMAL story.

So. Who's your fav character (I bet everyone says Connor lol)

I like Garvin , Luther & Connor...


And BEWARE - This story is with this Fan AU were Garvin gets RK900 so yeah...

But I still ship this like hell k-

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