Chapter 5

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Connor's POV (ooohhhh)

Katie left and left me with her roommate. And let me tell you something, she is B-E-A-T-I-F-U-L. She seemed pretty shy when we were alone in the dorm. I hesitantly sat down on her bed. A few minutes later, she asked ''How did you meet Katie?'' and after that the conversations just passed.

Maya and I've been talking for abour half an hour when her phone rang. She picked it up from the small wooden chair behind us and put it on her ear.

"Hello mom? Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, her name's Katie. No, I didn't go to a party. Look mom, I have a friend over. I'll talk to you later. Bye." She managed to stuff all of that in 10 seconds and put her phone back to where she picked it up and sat down. Scared that it'll be awkward again I said, " I'm going to take a wild guess and say that that was your mom on the phone."

"Wow! You must be a genius." she retorted, smirking while slumping down her bed again. So, she's the sarcarstic type? Even better. We picked up our talk from earlier about how people aren't appreciating art like they used to. The more we talked, the more I wanted to know her better, she was really intresting.

The door jiggled suddently revealing a laughing-like-a-maniac Katie, she instantly felt sorry because I could see the appologatic look on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry for being loud, I just hung up on my friend." she appologized. However, I knew exactly who she was talking to and I can tell you that it wasn't just 'a friend'. It was Alex, her crush from as long as I can remember. I don't know what she sees in him but I will never judge her. "Oh, it's fine. As a matter of fact, I need to go explore the campus a little bit." Maya spoke up when she was getting her purse. I instantly felt disappointed well, at least I can ask her what happened between her and Alex because she told me they were hanging out today.

"Okay spill it, Katie"

"What?" she replied innocently. However, I knew her for too long to fall for this.

"Are you and Alex like... dating?"

"Yes,'' she replied casually like it was nothing.

" Don't you act all normal about it. Aww my little Katie Bearie is growing up" I pinched her cheek, that earned me a slap on my arm.

"Geez Connor! Can you please be more mature about it?''

" Of course! I'll be mature if you want me to." About three seconds later I started singing, "Katie and Alex sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

And that earned me a slap on my face.

"Look who's talking. You were staring at Maya with goo-goo eyes a few minutes ago!" Katie said while staring at me with a I-know-you-like-her look.

"Okay so what if do?" I challenged. And then she squealed. Not a normal one but one that will pop your eardrum.

"Oh my God!! You need to ask her out! I'll help you with that." And here it goes, Katie always tries to make people date each other. Don't get me wrong, she's a heck of a matchmaker but it gets annoying. The next hour and a half consisted of a lot of teasing but then we got bored so we got our phones out and sat on the couch. The door opened ten minutes later,revealing a very happy Maya. I sensed this wave of happiness in my heart at the sight of her but I decided to keep my cool.

''I'm back." She said trying to get our attention, which I will be more than glad to give it to her but Katie told me to not and I quote 'act like a love sick puppy'.

"Guys?" She sighed when no one answered.

"So I met this guy" I felt the pang of jealousy hit me when I heard the word 'guy'.My bestfriend gave her roommate one of her squeals that she gave me earlier.

"Connor get out! Maya and I need to have a girl talk" Wow! Way to be a good friend. *Note the sarcasm.*

"No it's okay he can stay. Ok, so his name is Mike. He's really hot and we have a lot of classes together. And... that's all I know."

"Wait! Blond hair, blue eyes, tall and has a lot of muscles?"

"Yeah how do you know?"

"Ewwww! Ew ew ew. That's my step brother. You owe me a huge appology."

"Appology! For what?"

"Because you think that Mike is hot!!" Yup, that's Katie for you.

"Well, I'm sorry cause you have a hot model as a brother." The traitor gagged while my soon-to-be girlfriend shrugged and slumped down the sofa besides me.

"NOOOO! You're supposed to say 'oh dear Katie would you forgive me of even thinking about your hideous step brother?' Then I'll say that I'll think about it then you'll beg me even more and then I ask you to buy me Snickers ice cream" She didn't give her a comeback instead she just got out her phone and started texting. A few seconds later, my angel spoke up.

"Okay so I just invited Mike over I hope that's okay." She tried to hold on her laugh but gave up and started laughing like crazy. See! Even her laugh was adorable. Man, I just met this girl and I'm focusing on these small details. No doubts, I was so whipped.

"Hey! That's what you get for almost making me buy you ice cream." I couldn't hold it in me anymore. I was so mad so I just huffed and got out of the girl's dorm without sparing them a goodbye. Which I feel guilty about.NO CONNOR! She already likes Mike. Seconds later, Katie was outside with me looking sorry. "Why were you excited when she mentioned another guy? Traitor.'' I snapped as soon as I saw her.

" I'm so sorry Connor. I didn't mean it. It was the machmaker instincts. Huggy bear?" She always said that when she wanted us to hug and appologize.

"Okay huggy bear" I gave in.

"Let's go back to my place?" she suggested.

"No way in heck. I don't want to be there when Mike shows up and starts to flirt with MY girl" I replied.

"Dude! You're already calling her 'your' girl when you only met her a few hours ago! I get your point but do you want them to be in the dorm.TOGETHER? ALONE?"

"Let's go back" I said as soon as possible and walked back to the building.


Okay, so if you read the last author note you'll know that this is probably the last chapter of the story, unless the reads become in the 100s by October which is impossible. So i decided to post the last chapter in Connor's POV. So yeah I love you guys so much and thanks for supporting me. And I won't continue the story if you start private messaging me but I WILL tell you what was going to happen through out the story. Because the only people who care enough will know the ending. However if you really want this story to go on help me get my 100 by October. But it WILL be hard because my style of writing is really boring and the sentence structure isn't intreguing. Not to mention the spelling mistakes.



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