Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @saraw13 for being my first comment.

                              After staring at Katie and Connor, I realized that they looked like each oher, A LOT. They had the same blond hair and the same eyes. Tho, they had different noses. "Are you guy related?" I asked. "No, only friends but we get that a lot." Connor answered with a bright smile. "Well, I have to go but Connor you can stay here, that is if Maya here doesn't mind." my room-mate said. "Oh,it's fine wih me." I told her, heading to make my not-so-comfortable bed. "Then it's settled, see you later guys. Oh and Connor? Don't bother Maya too much." Katie whisper-yelled going out of the door. 

                   If I say that the first few minutes with Connor were awkward, that would be an undrestatement. We both just nodded smiled at each other before I decided to break the ice, asking him how he met Katie. Then soon enough, the conversation kept going until my phone buzzed violently against the small chair besides us. "Hello mom? Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, her name's Katie. No, I didn't go to a party. Look mom, I have a friend over. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I placed my phine to its previous position and headed back to my bed where Connor and I were talking earlier. " I'm going to take a wild guess and say that that was your mom on the phone." he spoke. "Wow! You must be a genius" And with that reply, we continued our talk.

                            The door's handle's jiggled, making me snap out of my deep converstion with my room-mate's friend. Speaking of her, she came in laughng as if someone has told her the funniest joke ever. "Oh, I'm sorry for being loud, I just hung up on my friend." she appologized. "Oh, it's fine. As a matter of fact, I need to go explore the campus a little bit." I excused myself. My two new friends asked if I needed company but I denied their nice request because I needed some time to myself to think about what was going to happen. 

_____________________________________________________________________________Yay, another update.So, I'm going to Dubai tomorow and leaving at 9 am so i thought why not update the night befor? So i know this chapter and pretty much whole story sucks but i'm gonns keep going and hopefully get better as the time passes. thanks for the 7 reads i really didnt excpect that. so thats all i have to say. That's a pic of maya (shay mitchell)

Next update: july 5th maybe?





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