Chapter 1~ Meet Maya.

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"Maya! You've been all up in the parmezean for a year!"

Right now, I'm sitting on my bed, next to Sandra and Wendy, and we're all crying our hearts out while eating pasta like there's no tomorrow. Wanna know what happened? No? Well, too bad. I'm going to tell you, anyways. Let me introduce myself, first. I'm Maya Alexander, I'm eighteen years old and about to move from New Jersey to California for college. I've been accepted to UCLA as a pre-med student with a full scholarship, thanks to my perfect GPA. University starts in 3 weeks, and I'm leaving my friends, family and life tomorow, to turn the page and start a new chapter. Now, the two people that are sitting beside me are my two best friends, Wendy Eidemitick and Sandra Newton. I met them both in middle school, where the three of us got inseperable and became really close. Wendy was the sassy one beween us, she was the most outgoing and always had answers on her sleeves. Sandra, despite her last name, never knew what was going on, but she was the nicest one out of us. And if you couldn't guess yet, I was the smart one. Now, most of the girls in the world would eat chocolate or ice cream when they're sad, but, we just don't roll that way; so whenever we burst out with tears, we ease our pain with cheesy pasta. No need to tell us that we're weird, because we already know that.

                 Now that we got this situation all cleared up, let's move on to family. My mother's a really busy surgeon, she's hardly at home and when she is, she's either resting, cooking or watching her favorite show on youtube, ''Innocent Dreams.'' My dad's in the navy, so I don't see him often. I'm really proud of him, but sometimes I wish he had a job where he could live with us, so I can see him everyday. Even though my parents are almost never home, and I have no siblings, I never get lonely. If I'm not at a track meet, at the mall, or at school, I invite Sandra or Wendy over to hang out. We were currently on our 2nd round of Italian goodness, when Wendy spoke up.

'' Why do you have to leave Maya?''

" Wendy's right, couldn't you have joined a community college like I did?" Sandra asked.

"Guys, you know that I really wanted to go to that college, since eighth grade. I know it's going to be a hard road to reach my dreams, but we can get through it." I said, stuffing my face with food. I know, I'm such an elegant lady.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. We'll video-chat every day, and we'll visit you in winter and spring break. Wait! You will come back in the summer, right?" Wendy said, starting to get nervous.

"Of course! Why in the world would I pass that opportunity?" I practically screamed. For the rest of the night, we ate 2 more pasta bowls, and watched a couple of movies. At about 12 o'clock, my two best friends left so I could get some rest for tomorrow. As soon as my head hit the comfortable pillow, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the endless surprises California was hiding.

~~At the airport~~

                  “Mom, it’s alright! It’s not like I’m leaving forever!” I tried to comfort my crying mother. I was crying too, so did Wendy and Sandra. Long story short, we’re currently in the airport, my flight is in 15 minutes and there’s a crying fiasco going on right now.

“Maya, we’re going to miss you so much! Don’t forget to call us as soon as you’re there.” Sandra reminded me, giving me a tight hug.

“Nippon! I still can’t believe you’re leaving. I’ll see you in winter break.” Wendy said, pushing my other best friend, so we can have our last hug. Now the reason that she called me “Nippon,” is a long story from social studies. It means Japan in Japanese but it’s our way to say “You’re my best friend” and “I love you.”

“Flight 560 to LAX, now boarding.” the lady on the speaker said, making me break the hug.

“That’s my cue to leave.” I said forcing a smile on my face.

“WE LOVE YOU MAYA! GOOD LUCK!” Sandra screamed, making people give her weird looks. Typical Sandra.

                I got to my gate, checked in and got in the plane. I don’t care how much a business ticket costs but I need to be comfortable during a five hours and a half flight. I got seated next to a boy that looked about 13, that was listening to music. Once I sat down and got cozy, the teenager got his earphones out, stared at me for a couple of seconds, smirked then leaned back again. Umm, that was weird

Hey! Guess who's back? That's right, ME. Hope you liked this new chapter. As you can see, I made some changes. 

- Maya comes from New Jersey.

-I added Sandra.

-Now, you know Maya's last name.

-I talked abou Maya's Dad a little.

-The chapter has a name now.

Those were the most important things I edited. I tried describing the characters more so you guys can feel that you know them better. I think I did a better job than before, tell me what YOU think by commenting, PMing me or kiking me @frantalalala. WE'RE AT 521 READS! I'm so happy and I would like to thank you guys so much for helping me reach this number. School starts the 3rd :/ I won't be able to update as much, but I think I mentioned it before but I'll explain it again. I will be using a reads/vote systems. As soon as I reach the achievments listed at the end of the chapter, I'll post a new chapter. Deal?





Reads:560; Votes:34

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