Chapter Eleven: Battling and Philosophy

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Suuuuup! It's me again ^-^ Let me just say that putting out two chapters of the same story in the space of one week is tough work... I promise I'm trying my hardest! Also, this is going to be a shorter chapter (sorry!), as this chapter is basically just going to center around one fight soooo. Anywho, let's get on with it, shall we? Here's chapter 11! Enjoy(:


With RaccoonEye on our side, our journey up Mt. Steel became a lot easier. Don't get me wrong, it was still incredibly tough and challenged us all like we'd never been challenged before, but having an extra companion definitely lightened the load.

We had now clawed our way up to the seventh floor out of nine (as RaccoonEye had informed us), and I couldn't wait to take on Skarmory. Every time I thought about how he had heartlessly kidnapped Sam, my blood boiled in my veins.

Zach and I had filled RaccoonEye in on what exactly we were doing here, and he seemed more than willing to help. While Zach was still wary of our new member, he was certainly starting to warm up to him. It was impossible not to; RaccoonEye had a way of making you believe you could achieve anything.

We were walking towards the stairs when I noticed another enemy: Geodude. These Pokemon were the easiest to take out because both Zach and I had type advantages against them.

A Bullet Seed, a Water Gun, and an extra Scratch from our new member was all it took to take the enemy down.

"So, Ricky," I asked our little Zigzagoon friend as we walked along, "what was it like growing up here?"

He thinks. "Not that bad, honestly. My mom took good care of us. Skarmory didn't bother my family much. The only thing I didn't like was how Rescue Teams were portrayed as these horrible things. Their whole goal is to save Pokemon in need; how is that evil?"

I shook my head. "Different Pokemon have different ways of thinking, I guess."

Zach grins. "But hey, it all worked out for you, right?"

I smile at him appreciatively. I'm glad he's trying to make RaccoonEye feel welcome.


By the time we make it to the ninth level, where Skarmory is, I'm feeling energized and ready to take him on.

RaccoonEye also looks ready. "It'll be nice to prove to him that Rescue Teams are strong!"

As usual, Zach looks apprehensive. "Hopefully we can defeat him..."

RaccoonEye waves him off. "Trust me, I know all his weak spots. We'll take him down. Rule number one: attack his wings and face. They're the most vulnerable areas on his body."

After walking up an inclined path, we exit a cave and find ourselves on a large ledge on the side of Mt. Steel. The view is spectacular, but that's not what I'm concerned about at the moment.

For a few seconds, Skarmory is nowhere to be found.

Then, suddenly, he bullets down out of the sky, metal plates shining silver in the murky light.

He lands with a flurry in front of us, and sets down Sam, whom he had held in his claw.

Sam appears to be asleep.

"Why are you here?" Skarmory snarls, "and how did you make it through my Mystery Dungeon?"

"We can to rescue Sam," I tell him, "and we made it up here through hard work and determination, and our new member."

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