Chapter Two: DNA and Old Men

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Hello everyone! Here’s the next chapter of SFTS! Sorry it’s short :| It’s pretty much just filler; the next chapter will be a lot more interesting in terms of plot progression! :) Enjoy!


                Zach and I walked deeper into Tiny Woods.

                “I hope we find Caterpie.” I say after a brief silence.

                Zach nods. “Yeah.”

                “So… Tell me more about the Pokémon world.” I ask.

                “Okay,” my companion says, “but first we should find a place to sleep tonight. It’s getting dark.”


                We end up cozily sheltered in an old log, hollowed out with age.

                I curl up in my bed of cushy moss. “Are there any Pokémon legends?” I ask.


                “Can I hear some?”

                “Sure.” Zach says warmly.

                “Long ago, there was no life on this world. Then one day, a mysterious Egg fell from the sky. The Egg is said to have been as big as three Tauros standing shoulder to shoulder, and the height of a Rapidash. The Egg was a rich pink and sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

                “Eventually, this Egg hatched into the very first Pokémon. This creature is known as Mew.

                “Mew journeyed far and wide across the world to see what there was to see, and was shocked to find no other inhabitants.

                “Mew grew lonely. So Mew used her DNA to create tons of other Pokémon, starting with legendaries. Ho-Oh, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Groudon, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Latias, Latios. Any legendary you could think of, and Mew created it. Each legendary had its own purpose.

                “Then, Mew created all the other Pokémon, today called Fossil Pokémon. Eventually, each species evolved into new species, and the original Fossil Pokémon went extinct.

                “As time went on, Mew and  most the other legendaries faded themselves into myth. They say a legendary simply has to use their signature move to summon Mew, but no one knows if this is true.

                “In this way Mew is believed to be the ancestor of all Pokémon. That was thousands of years ago, and not many Pokémon today believe she exists.”

                There’s silence when he finishes.

                “Wow.”  I finally breathe.

                Zach smiles.

                “Do you believe in Mew?” I ask.

                Zach hesitates. “… No.” he finally says, “But I like the story.”

                “Hmm.” Comes my response.

                “What about you?” he asks, “Do you have any stories?”

                I think for a bit. “Yes, actually.”

                “A weary traveler was once walking down a road. This man had no money, and poor clothes, but he was a kind man. Suddenly an old man approached him.

                ‘Do you have any food?’ he inquired.

                “The weary traveler gave the old man any food he had left, then went on his way.

                “Once the weary traveler was out of sight, the old man’s disguise faded. In his place flitted a fairy, and she was very pleased.

                ‘Bless this man, and give him all he needs in life.’ She chanted.

                “One day, the fairy saw the same traveler walking down a road. He was no longer weary, but his clothes were still worn.

                “The fairy, disguised as an old man, approached him.

                ‘Food?’ he asked weakly.

                “The traveler nodded and gave the old man some fine food, then went on his way.

                “The fairy blessed the man again, and thus is the tale of how the poorest men are always the richest in heart.”  

                Zach grins. “That was a great story, Rose.”

                “Thanks,” I say, “It’s always been one of my favorites.”

                Then Zach turns around, and I snuggle deeper into my bed, both of us trying to sleep.

                I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. Will we be able to save Caterpie?


I feel like this was really bad and boring, but hey, I said I’d update! Also, this is literally the tenth version of this chapter, and this one’s the best, so rest assured this is the highest quality XD Thanks for reading! Sorry about the horribly long amount of time between updates! I promise I’ll be better :) Oldrivalshipping one-shot tomorrow! Love y’allz! P.s., like the pic?


DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Pokémon. Only my characters and my story plot. Thank you.

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