Chapter 1 - The boys

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~A/N the updated on this book may be a bit off and weird especially this week as your girl is going on holiday. Sorry about that

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Simon was the most popular boy in his year. He was smart, athletic, captain of the football team and had girls throwing themselves at him left right and centre.

However he never dated any of them he always claimed it was because he wanted a proper relationship not just a random hook up. Only a few other people knew the real reason - his best friends.

Unlike you would expect simon didn't have a massive group of friends. He was one of four in his friendship group. Himself, JJ, Ethan had been best friends for years, longer than anyone could remember. Vik has became friends with them in the last few years but was just as much of a part of the group as the rest.

JJ knew that Simon was gay he had for years. He was very accepting himself being bisexual and dating Vik who was very feminine but no one but their friends knew that they were dating either. They just thought they were just friends.

Everyone in school knew that Vik was gay. He was very open about his sexuality unlike his other two friends. Vik often wore very 'girly' clothes but they way he saw it was that clothes had no gender so he was allowed to wear a skirt if he wanted to.

I would be lying if I said people were accepting. Most people made comments or gave rude looks but no one would dare do anything horrible in front of his friends. Let's just say there school wasn't too LGBTQ+ friendly but then again it wasn't the worst. The worst was Joshua Bradley's old school.

Joshua Bradley or 'Josh' as he now preferred was bullied badly. He told one person his secret, his ex best friend Damian Stevens. Once those two words escaped his mouth his life became a living hell. "I'm gay" the words that destroyed his life.

His parents disowned him. His friends were now his worst bullies and no one wanted him apart from two of his friends called Harry and Tobi who he kept in contact with. He had to get away. He ran used his money from his parents to rent an apartment he worked a lot of the time to keep up with rent.

He was starting a new school tomorrow even though he was living on his own he was 16 which meant he still had to go to school. He wanted a good education so he could get a good job.

He wouldn't tell anyone this time he was almost on the complete opposite side of the country. He was sure no one would find out his secret again.

He had to keep it to himself. He couldn't have what happened last time to happen again.

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