Chapter 12 - Outed

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~Warning~ censored homophobic language and an outing scene so if you are triggered by either probably don't read this. Stay safe friends.

Josh's POV:

Since school started this morning people have been talking about a new kid. It didn't really bother me until I heard someone say that they thought his name was Damian. Then I froze. I was walking with the others who all stopped and looked at me. I told them I was fine and kept walking reassuring myself that it was probably a different Damian that there was no way that he was here if all places.

The others seemed satisfied with my answer Simon didn't however and kept looking over at me worriedly.

"I'm fine honestly Simon"
"Are you sure cause he just froze like legit just froze"
"I'm sure"
He doesn't question me more but as we are walking to our next class he keeps looking at me worriedly.

I smile at him reassuringly as I take my seat in front of him. This is going to be a boring hour. Physics always is.

*Time skip because this is fiction which means I can do anything*

It was lunch when I saw him. Standing there in the middle of the cafeteria. He was joking about with some of the other lads on the football team.

I began shaking. My eyes began to water as I profusely tried to blink away the tears that were forming.

The boys noticed and started asking me questions but I couldn't answer any of them I just continued to stare at him.

They all looked over at him and began to question me more.

"Josh look at me please what's wrong" Simon pleaded
At the sound of my name Damian looked over at me. I was stuck I couldn't move again.

"Well well well if it isn't Joshua Bradley" he says walking over to me. They boys all looked really confused at how he knew me and why I was reacting the way I was.

"Who the fuck are you?" JJ questioned
"Yeah and what the fuck do you want" Ethan added

"Oh you haven't told them about me Joshua" he starts
"Just tell us who you are" Simon says getting angry. This drew attention to our table and everyone was silent staring at us. I still couldn't move or talk.

"You see Joshua here used to go to my old school"
It then clicked for Simon and he stood up getting in between me and Damian. The others clearly didn't get it like Simon did.

"Get the fuck away from him. NOW!" Simon shouted.
"Aww why I just wanted to come and talk to him and his new friends. I wanted to see if he had the balls to tell you all after last time"
Simon backed down a bit. He looked confused. I wanted to get up and run away but I was still frozen in place but by now tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Right we still don't know your fucking name for one and two Simon what's up why are you so angry. Sure he's making josh cry but why did you snap" Ethan asked
"The names Damian"
"He obviously was one of the ones bullying him at his last school" Simon said

JJ and Ethan then stood up and moved closer to Damian.
"Who the fuck do you think you are to come over here after what you did to him" JJ spits
"Oh so you have told them your disgusting little secret Joshua?" Damian questions I still couldn't respond.
By now vik had moved over to me and started hugging me to try and calm me down.

"Oh my god there's another one" Damian shouts.
"What the fuck are you on about" JJ shouts back
"Joshua here is a disgusting little f*g and by the looks of it there's another one hugging him" he announces to everyone looking at Viks skirt. At this point JJ punches him hard in the nose and he falls backwards.
"No one uses that vile word when talking about them" he spits.
I'm free I can move again and I run out of the door quicker than I've ever run before.

Simon runs after me shouting for me to stop and wait but I couldn't I ran all the way home.

A/N - fun fact: this was the first chapter I wrote of this book. I then wrote the first 11.

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