Chapter 4 - Lunch

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Vik's POV:

I invited Josh to come sit with us at lunch. I sat next to JJ on the end like always. Josh sat opposite me and next to Simon who was next to Ethan.

We had all been talking after PE and last lesson which we were all in together and get to sit wherever we want.

Simon and Josh got along exceptionally well. Just like I expected. They both like really similar things.

I saw Josh keep looking at Me and JJ every time we would talk to each other.

Josh's POV:

"Josh stop it" Vik said quietly
"Sorry it's just really cute" I whispered back
"What are you two whispering about" asked JJ
"Nothing JJ" Vik responded
"What tell me" he pouted
"Fine he keeps staring at us" Vik answered quietly
"He thinks we're cute together"
"What that would never happen" JJ said defensively
Vik and I started laughing quietly
"What?" He questioned
"He knows JJ"
"What why, sure he's cool but how do you know we can trust him"
"Yeah no offence Josh but we did only just meet you like three hours ago" Ethan added
"None taken I get it. I mean I could tell you some things about me and we could get to know each other more."
"Sure we"ll all say something" simon starts

"I'll start" Ethan says
"My name is Ethan Payne. I was born on 20th June. I like football and games. I'm kinda boring other than that. Oh and apparently I have a funny laugh.
"You do it's hilarious" Vik replies

"I'll go next" JJ said
"My name is Olajide Olatunji. I was born on the 19th June. I also like football and games. I rage quite a bit at the but I still find them fun"
"A bit?" Simon laughed

"I'll go now" Vik said
"My name is Vikram Barn but please just call me Vik. I hate being called Vikram. I was born on the 2nd August. I like games but I'm shit at football."
"You're not that bad babe"
"JJ there are other people around"
"Oh fuck yeah"

"Simon's turn"
"My name is Simon Minter. I was born on the 7th September. I like games and I'm captain of the football team."

"Josh your turn" Vik said smiling at me encouragingly.
"Well my name is Joshua Bradley but like Vik I hate being called Joshua so please just call me Josh. I also like football and games."

"So how come you moved here?" Simon asked
"Well I moved down here really. I used to get quite badly bullied at my old school so I moved to get away from it all." I had been looking down whilst talking not wanting to see their faces but as I looked up I was met with the four looking sympathetically at me.

"Why did you get bullied" Ethan asked earning a whack from Simon
"No it's fine really. Urm I don't really know I guess people just didn't really like me. They just thought. I was annoying" I replied. I couldn't tell them the real reason even though they were clearly not homophobic I couldn't let people know not again. I can't go through it again.

I must have spaced out as when I started paying attention again all I could hear was Simon saying "Josh, Josh are you ok?"

"Yeah sorry I spaced out"
"It's fine"

"Is that why you just stood there when Vik was getting punched" Ethan said once again earning a whack from Simon.
"Yeah kind of I was like stuck in place"
"It's fine honestly" Vik reassured me.

"Anyway it's nice to get to know you more Josh" JJ said
"You Guys too" I answered
"So what's everyone got next" I asked
"History" Vik and Simon said
"Art" Ethan and JJ said
"I've also got History"

"Yes this is gonna be so good" Vik said as we walked into history.
"Why?" I asked
"Because the only open seat is between me and Simon it's supposed to be a girl but you'll have to sit there" Vik replied

And sit there I did. We laughed and messed about all lesson. Our teacher wasn't really bothered she barely payed attention to the class.

Maybe this new school wasn't gonna be as bad as I thought.

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