Chapter 24 - Prom

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A/N sorry in advance for all the POV changes. Also long.

Josh's POV:

It's Friday night. Prom is in 2 hours and we are getting ready. By we I mean I'm at Vik's house getting ready and JJ is at Simon's. Ethan is at his own house getting ready because he ie leaving earlier with his girlfriend Amy as she organised prom.

I'm wearing a black suit and red tie which will be matching with Simon's and Vik is wearing a long navy dress which matches with JJ's tie. JJ doesn't know what it looks like he only knows the colour.

Vik looked amazing. He was sat in a chair opposite his mom who was helping him with his makeup. She looked so happy.

When we were done we sat down in the living room waiting for the other two to pick us up.

Simon's POV:

JJ and I had been getting ready for the past hour and were getting ready to set out to pick up Josh and Vik. I had seen Vik's dress and thought I was beautiful and JJ knew that I had saw it.

"Come on just give me a hint what it looks like"

"No JJ you will see in like 20 minutes"


"Fine the colour matches your tie"

"I already knew that it was the only thing I did know"

"It's still a hint now shut up because I'm not telling you anything else"

We got in my car and drove to Vik's house

Vik's POV:

Whilst sat waiting I was really nervous.

"Josh, what if he doesn't like my dress or makeup."

"Vik he will love it I promise" he reassured me.

"But what if he thinks I look to girly and breaks up with me."

"Firstly he loves you Vik, no one else, secondly you wear feminine things all the time and. He never says anything and thirdly you look amazing"

"Thanks Josh"


We pulled up outside Vik's house. I couldn't wait to see him. I knocked on the door and Vik's mom answered she invited us in and we walked to the living room.

Vik was standing there next to Josh. He looked absolutely gorgeous. His dress was beautiful but he was just stunning.

I couldn't believe he was mine. I'm so lucky. He looked at me nervously as I walked over to him.

"Hey baby, you look so good."

"Really you like it, you don't think it's too girly."

"If you love it then I love it. I love you no matter what you wear, if you want to wear a dress and makeup then I will love your dress and makeup but if you wanted to wear a suit and tie I would love that too. You being yourself and doing what you love is when I love you"

"Thank you JJ. I love you too."

I look over to Simon and Josh who are talking in their matching suit and tie's. They look so cute together.

"We getting going then?" Josh asked us.

"Yeah" I replied

We got into Simon's car Vik and I in the back, Simon driving and Josh the passengers seat.

We arrived and met up with the others. Surprisingly Harry and Tobi had both managed to find dates to the prom that weren't bitches.

Josh's POV:

"Really he was nervous" Simon asked

"Yeah he thought that JJ might think he was too girly and not like it." I replied

"Why would he ever think that" he questioned

"I think it had something to do with when Damian called him his girlfriend. I think it stuck with him." I said

"Oh" he replied

"But I also know that JJ will have reassured him that he loves him and that he wants him not a girlfriend" I said

"They're so cute together" he said looking over at the two who were dancing and laughing.

"Yeah they are but not as cute as you" I said

"Shut it, says you." He replied and kissed me.

Vik's POV:

I've had loads of people come up to me and JJ and compliment me on my dress and makeup. I would tell them that my mom did it and they insist that she has to do theirs one day.

I'm so happy. People are so accepting now obviously not everyone is but quite a lot are.

Simon's POV:

"Excuse me can I please have everyones attention" Amy started as she stood up on the stage at the front with a mic. The music died down and people went quiet.

"It's time to announce your prom royalty. This year it's slightly different as we now have Prom princes and princesses. Also as the organiser of prom I spoke to most of the girls in our year and we all agree on something. There will be no Prom queen this year. Instead" She continued "We thought we would use this year as we are using to to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. So our Prom Kings are Josh Bradley and Simon Minter" She announces. We both look at each other before back at her she beckons us up onto the stage. I took Josh's hand in mine and we walk up onto the stage next to her.

"And now for our Prom Princesses Lizzie Turner and Amy Edwards." Two girls who were also holding hands joined us on stage.

"And finally our prom princes Olajide Olantunji and Vik Barn" She announced. They joined us onstage also holding hands.

Tonight was going to be one of the best nights ever.


The night drew on and got later. We all danced and laughed. It was really fun. I got to spend the night with my best friends and my gorgeous boyfriend what more could I ask for.

We all really got on with Tobi and Harry and I think Josh was glad of it. They were really funny and such nice people. And so our 5 became a 7.

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