Chapter 16 - Telling the boys

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A/N short chapter. I'm back at school today so uploads may get shitter but hopefully they don't.

Simon's POV:

I woke Josh us so we could get ready for school.

"Josh, Josh wake up" I said shaking him slightly.
"Hmm, what?, oh ok" He said beginning to wake up.

I went over to my closet and pulled out some clothes to wear. I looked over at Josh and saw him in my clothes and then I remembered that he had non of his stuff with him.

I pulled out more clothes from my closet for him. We were a pretty similar size and had the same taste in clothes so they would look pretty normal on him.

I threw them at him like I threw the pyjamas at him last night. He caught them again like last night and thanked me.

We both got ready and then headed out of the door. We had to walk because of me leaving my car at school yesterday. We were holding hands as we did so.

"Simon, are we going to be out at school?" He asks me.
"If you want, I don't mind, I really like you and I don't care who knows." I replied
He smiled at me as we continued walking.

We entered the school and went to where we usually met the other boys still hand in hand.

The other three were already there and as they saw us there was three different reactions.

Vik: Josh are you ok?
JJ: Are you wearing Simons clothes?
Ethan: Oh my god! You're holding hands!

Me and Josh just looked at each other and smiled.

"One yes Vik I'm ok. Two Yes JJ these are Simons clothes and three Yes Ethan we are holding hands." Josh said

"Wait what!" JJ and Vik said now noticing our intertwined hands.

"Well there is a lot of explaining to be done" I said.

We all started talking. Josh told them about his past and we both told them what happened at his flat yesterday.

"Well first of all we are never going to let that douche near you again" Ethan said "And secondly we're so happy for you guys"
"Yeah you are so cute together" Vik agreed

"After you left yesterday and I punched him, he also left and some people came over to ask if you were going to be ok and said that what he said was so wrong." JJ starts
"People well some people are starting to be more excepting here especially after JJ and Vik came out as a couple. I think they are starting to realise that there are more gay people here than Vik" Ethan finishes.

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