Chapter Fifteen

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Luna slowly opened the bedroom door, checking to see where shadow was.

When Luna had woken up that morning she had noticed that she wasn't tied up and her wrists were bandaged.

To keep herself from being petrified of the man, Luna told herself that it was her fault that she had ended up in that situation, and it truly was, if she hadn't kept pushing, making him more angry, then she probably wouldn't have been tied to the bed, but making him angry seemed to be the only way to make sure that they weren't going anywhere just in case there was a possibility of them slipping through the portal.

Frowning when she doesn't see him, she opens the door all they way and gives the room a second look over.

Looking to her left, she sees that his bag was still there, confirming her suspicion that he was still around.

"Giant? I need to pee." Luna calls out, fully expecting him to pop out of nowhere with an angry expression on his face.

When nothing happened, Luna decided that she was going to test the waters and walk out of the back of the house and use the outhouse.

As she walks back into the cabin she wonders if the man was out getting something to eat, and wondered if she had time to make a getaway.

"Since no ones here," Luna whispers, stopping just before she closed the back door, "I might just take a walk"

Luna waits a few seconds, seeing if she was going to be caught.

With one last breath she hobbles back the way she came, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Making sure to keep her eyes on the ground, Luna speeds her walk up, hoping that she was walking in the right direction.

"He's not very good at his job." Luna scoffs, picking up a long stick, using it to help her walk.

"I think I'm pretty okay at it." Shadow states, mildly offended as he drops from one of the tall trees behind Luna, landing perfectly on his feet.

Luna screeches and turns, swinging her stick and hitting Shadow directly in the arm with it.

"How sweet." Shadow winces, rubbing his arm even though he had barely felt anything.

"You twat! You scared me!" Luna shouts while she slams the stick into the man's arm again.

"Well you were strolling through the trees, thinkin' that you're real smart." Shadow grunts, reaching out to grab the stick before she had the chance to bash his head with it but missing when Luna pulls it away from him.

"I am smart." Luna glares, almost hitting the man again.

"I never said you weren't smart, just not real smart." He shrugs, crossing his thick arms over his chest.

Shadow tries to hide his smile when Lunas eyes shrink and her face grows red, showing the man that he had succeeded in making her angry.

"I don't like you." She tells him, standing straight, she turns back around and begins walking in the direction that she had been before he had shown up.

"You're not supposed to." He states, using his long legs to make his way in front of her in only a few steps.

Luna's lips form a straight line and her eyes shrink again, causing Shadow to prepare for another hit from her stick but was caught off guard when Luna punches him in the stomach with her small fist instead.

Shadow rolls his eyes as Luna tries to run around him.

"You don't hit that hard." Shadow smiles, wrapping his left arm around Luna's waist, chuckling when she frowns.

"I hit very hard, thank you very much. You're just a giant man made of stone." Luna grumbles, trying to slip through his arms.

Shadow grins, letting her think that she was going to make it through but right before she did he squats, placing his hands on her waist.

"What are you-" Luna wasn't able to finish her question before Shadow stood up, throwing Luna over his left shoulder.

Shadow ignores her as she slaps her hands on his back, screaming about how he was going to regret this one day.

"I just want to go home." She cries, her body falling limp against his.

Shadow stalls, almost tripping over his own feet at how fast Luna had changed emotions.

Walking through the opened back door, Shadow places Luna gently down on the couch, glancing at her face before walking to the table and grabbing a small pouch that was full of berries.

"Why?" Luna asks, ignoring the pouch that he was trying to hand her.

Shadow grunts and tosses the pouch onto the cushion beside her.

"You could at least tell me." Luna grumbles, wiping at the wet trails that ran down her face.

"I don't have a choice." Shadow tells her, making sure to place the barrier against his beast before he had the chance to show up.

"A choice?" Luna scoffs, looking at the mans back.

"You won't understand." Shadow tells her, gripping the edge of the table as he thought about the blood contract.

Luna rolls her eyes and picks the small pouch up, looking through it to see what she liked.

"You aren't as smart as you think you are." Shadow growls, beginning to feel light headed.

"You aren't as scary as you think you are." Came her instant reply.

Shadow snorts and shakes his head, regretting it right after when pain begins to make its way through, right behind his eyes.

"You're the first to think so."

"Probably not." Luna tells him, stuffing more berries into her mouth.

That statement caused Shadows heart to speed up, his body slightly beginning to tremble.

"Why is that?" He asks, turning around to face her.

"Ever heard of Shadow?" Luna asks after swallowing the berries, completely oblivious to what was happening to the man she was speaking with.

That caught Shadow off guard, making him choke on air.

"What?" Shadow coughs out, surprise evident on his face.

"Shadow." She speaks up, thinking he didn't hear her.

"He became a monster, at least that's what everyone thought, and was taken from his family, grew up all alone." She whispers, looking at the wall, sadness clear on her face.

Shadow's breathing grows ragged, an unknown feeling showing up out of nowhere.

"He was called and told so many bad things, hurt by someone that he trusted. It led him to do bad things, evil things." She lifts her head, looking at the man who was more pale and sweaty than he had been moments before.

"What's your point?" Shadow wonders, begging his heart to slow down, hoping that she can't hear it.

"If he doesn't scare me, then you definitely don't." She tells him, a determined look on her face.

Something shifts within him, pain radiates throughout his body, causing the beast to push at the walls, wanting to be let out.

Shadow groans in pain as he falls to his knees, crawling forwards.

"What's wrong?!" Luna shouts, the pouch falling from her lap and onto the floor as she scurries towards the groaning man, dropping to her knees as she places her hands on either side of his face.

His eyes are an unfocused mixture of amber and black, his skin damp with sweat as his temperature spikes. The look in his eyes makes Luna gasp, it was one that she had seen on many newly transitioning were's and lycans. It looked as if the man was being ripped apart from the inside out.

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