Chapter 2■ Seat Problems~

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Your P.O.V.

I just sat on an random seat but somehow all of the students was staring at me not normally but I should say they're glaring at me

You: why? What's wrong? *starting to get piss off*

Random girl 1: Our Mingrui...he's seat is there

You: oh? Tch. Hahaha...first, Our? I dont think so...second, dont just glare at me say something..third, it was just mistaken its no big deal

All: *blushes*

You: yahh! Why are you all blushing? *turns around*

Mingrui: Excuse me...

You: oh...sorry..o-okay *stood up quickly*

Mingrui: *sat*

I looked around but there's no seat anymore except for the desk beside mingrui if I sit there we're deskmates but i'm shy I noticed erasine was sitting aldeady!? Hm..she was fast the teacher came inside and all of my classmates greeted


Miss Susan: okay so class--- Ms. ??? Are you a transferee?

You: y-yeah

Yep she noticed me cause I was just standing behind mingrui

Miss Susan: oh please introduce yourself pleasingly...

You: *come near the blackboard* hi everyone, i'm Y/F/N and i'm 12 yrs old please take care of me

All: *claps*

I stared at Erasine who was smiling wide at me and giving me a thumbs up, I did desame too

Miss Susan: oh can you just stand there cause we have a new transferee too

I chuckled and saw Erasine facepalming and come near the blackboard

Erasine: heya guys! I'm Erasine Savey and i'm 12 yrs old pleasure to meet you all

All: *louder clap*

Is she beautifuller than me?

Miss Susan: so...Y/N right?

You: uh yeah

Miss Susan: so Y/N choose where your gonna----

Mingrui: *stood up quickly and raise hand* uh...miss susan can Y/N sit on where Erasine is sitting? And Erasine will sit beside me

All: ooooooh *smiling*

You: *looks down*

Miss Susan: ooh looks like we have a couple here...hehe

Erasine: haha no miss susan *blushes*

Miss Susan: you both may now sit

We both bowed after i'll go where Erasine sitting was I took a glance on Erasine and Mingrui miling at each other heart really aches my deskmate was a boy..he's good looking too but mingrui is good looking than him hahaha...haha...ha




But he doesnt like me...its obvious he likes my bestfriend

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