Chapter 5■ Big Couple~

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Your P.O.V.

As always..I did my daily routine to go to school but when I entered the school gates all people was staring at someone

You: excuse me..can I ask?

Random girl 5: I know what your gonna ask...hmmm...there's a big couple here its the hearthrub ang mingrui and a beautiful girl..check it out they're so sweet

You: oh no..I know that girl...she's my bestfriend

Athena: Well my name is Athena i'm 13 yrs old hope we can be friends

You: yea sure we can be friends and i'm Y/N 12 yrs old your older than me

Athena: yea..

You: the girl's name is erasine savey she's 12 yrs old...we're childhood bestfriends but when she started met that boy mingrui she changed

Athena: what do you mean by 'she changed'?

You: she doesn't hang out with me anymore and she's being a brat to me and thats sad though anyways change topic

Athena: you cried last night

You: wat? Are you a spy or something?

Athena: no but..its obvious...look at your stuffy nose and red eyes

You: oh haha yea I did she's like a sister to me..can we just have a walk on the rooftop? Its boring I always bore anything haha

Athena: hm..guess we're not classmates cause i'm at grade7 and your at grade 6

You: you always keep guessing things correctly..haha


Me and Athena had a long walk on the rooftop cause its still early 20 minutes before class

Athena:is that erasine?

You: yea and there she is talking sweetly with her boyfriend

Athena: wait what?! I thought they were just a couple they really are a COUPLE?

You: yes and they even have a callsign my erasine and my mingrui

Athena: aww so sweet!

You: but for me? Nah..mingrui's my crush too and he's familiar for me...I think we see each other a long time ago

Athena: maybe yes maybe no

We walked past by them I even not took a glance on erasine I might get jelous haha but in the corner of my eye mingui looked at me head to toe..wait what!?

I remembered i'm wearing skirts wth?

Athena: *whispers* hey I think mingrui's looking at your legs

You: he's too young to do this is he pervert, or a playboy? But he's still 12 yrs old *whisper yell*

Erasine: yah I heard it...I have ears..mingrui's not a pervert and stop assuming he's not looking at your legs he said he likes your shoes duh *roll eyes and cross arms*

Athena: hmm she's beautiful but...

Erasine: oh check it out you already replaced me...but i'm not worried since I dont like you btw cause your ugly *smirks*

You: are you still the Erasine I know? I MISS YOU...I was so sad that you forgetting me as your bestie

Erasine: not my fault *hands up*

Mingrui: Y/N can you stop?

You: you know you know I cant stop...joke okay bye *walks away*

Athena: *walks away*

Mingrui's P.O.V.

Why do I keep seeing flashback of me and Y/N playing on a swing when we were kids?
This does mean...i've lost my memories?

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