Chapter 10■ Is It True~

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Your P.O.V.

I went knside my classroom and remove my bag from my back I sat down and just sit doing nothing and staring at my classmates Zeyu came and sat beside me remember we're deskmates

You: Zeyu just tell me...what do you mean by "all is just fake"

Zeyu: later at lunch time i'll tell you


I saw Erasine glaring at me and Zeyu whats wrong with her tch...

Lunch Time...

Me and Zeyu went to the rooftop to talk about the "all is jist fake" topic

Zeyu: so here...I know your head aches when you see mingrui and you and mingrui is playing will appear even it didnt happened in your life you know why?

You: why?

Zeyu: its had a memory loss

You: *wide eyes* where's y-your e-evidence?

Zeyu: I dont have....but a long time ago when we were kids we were a squad me, erasine, you and mingrui, mingrui likes you but you didnt know it but somehow when we all hang out on the park it had an explosion me and erasine had a deep wound but mingrui and you had an memory loss.....thats why erasine is so thankful cause she'll make mingrui hers she pretend everything happened..

You: *watery eyes* why didnt you tell me earlier?

Zeyu: I have a plan to tell it to you...but...erasine always tell me to not so she can make mingrui hers

You: I trusted her but all that I did for her ended like this? *watery eyes* how dare her!

Zeyu: Ikr

You: You'd tell this to mingrui too?

Zeyu: I-i cant

You: why not!?

Zeyu: i'm stuck at erasine

You: why?

Zeyu: she'll do something to me if I tell mingrui about our past

You: what will she do?

Zeyu: I dunno

You: hmph! I need to talk to erasine! *walks away*

Zeyu: wait!


I walked around the school to search for erasine

KRING!!! the bell rang...

I ran out of time

I ran to the classroom and sat down there I saw Erasine and...mingrui

*** (imma lazy I always skip haha lol)

Its afterschool time I went home and waited for the bus Athena..she didnt go to school this day maybe fever because of the rain her immune system is weak someone grabbed my arm

Erasine: hello my bestie leaving so soon?

You: erasine! Let go of me!

Erasine: you forgot...I have a punishment for you

You: what did I do

Erasine: I know it...Zeyu told you everything about it but he hasn't told you the most important *chuckles*

You: how can you do this to me?you pretend! Everything happened

Mingrui: did I just hear that right?

You: yes mingrui era--

Erasine: *covers ma mouth* uh no..

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