Chapter 12■ Old Well~

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Mingrui's P.O.V.

I walked away full of anger I stomped my feet and clenched my hand into a fist I saw the teacher holding erasine's arms they're going towads the detention room, I gave erasine a death glare

Familiar Voice: Uh..mingrui?

I turned around and saw Y/N standing there

Me: what do you want?

You: I know your hurt because of erasine...but...i'll take full responsibility...i'm sorry for what happened

Me: why are you saying sorry.....your the one who saved me...thank you for letting me know

You: Mingrui *holds my hand* I need to tell you something important

Me: what?

Y/N: its true...we both had amnesia...when we were kids me, erasine, you and zeyu made a squad when we hang out at a park it had an explosion zeyu and erasjne had a deep wound but me and you had a amnesia thats why erasine is so thankful so she can make you hers...erasine pretend to be my bestfriend...and--

Me: what? Who told you that? How did you know?

Y/N:zeyu told me...thats why erasine wants to kill Zeyu cause zeyu told me all erasine dont want us to know the truth

Me: why did I ever love that girl!?

Y/N: and zeyu said a long time used to liked me

Me: *wide eyes* w-what? Ugh forget it...I need to go to the old see whats dream

Y/N: I'll come with dream is same too

Me: that's weird..but let's go now

Y/N: do you know whats the way?

Me: ugh no...but let's ask zeyu about it

Y/N: good idea

Your P.O.V.


Me and mingrui saw zeyu at the cafeteria

You: zeyu!

Zeyu: Y/N?

Mingrui: we need to ask you something

Zeyu: what is it?

You: did you know about our promise?

Zeyu: *choked* WHAT!? I mean how did you know

Mingrui: we kept dreaming about it

Zeyu: y-yeah I know...f-follow me before the class starts


Me, zeyu and mingrui went to the old well

Zeyu: here lets go inside

It was dark and the vines is blocking the way

Zeyu: this is the old well that you made a promise

Mingrui: YES! this is the exact place!

You: This is...familiar..

this place has a familiar smell

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