Chapter 13■ The Promise~

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Your P.O.V.

You: l-look! Our names written at the wall!

Mingrui: Wow

Zeyu: You and Mingrui write your own names for remembrance

You: I remembered

Mingrui: how about we write our names?
You: for what
Mingrui: for remembrance
You: okay teehee

Mingrui looked at me and smiled I did desame too

Zeyu: Dig will see something *points*

Me and mingrui dig the ground and we saw a jar

You: what's this?

Zeyu: the letter you hide it from 5 years, you can read it now

There are two letters inside the jar

Zeyu: Y/N take the yellow card, mingrui take the red card...

Mingrui: okay

You: okay

Dear Y/N
               If your reading this.....I am gonna confess my feelings for you already,
when I first saw you my heart really beats fast I wanna hug you but I cant I know
I'm still a kid but....I like you
                                                                          Your friend, Gou Mingrui

My heart beats really fast....but its just on the past

Mingrui's P.O.V.

Dear Mingrui,
                      I really admire every part of you...but it doesn't mean I have feelings for you I just wanna say thank you for everything that you have done for me..thank you for supporting me...I love you...
                                                                                                           Your friend, Y/N

My heart really beats fast

I looked at Y/N and she looked at me too

Zeyu: you have feelings for each other...when you were kids but the ypu have still feelings for each other until now?

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