Chapter 3■ Senpai~

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Your P.O.V.

You keep staring at your deskmate cause you wanna be friends with him but your shy

Boy: why are you keep staring? *sarcastic*

You: *silent* (why is he like this?) Uh..just wanna be friends

Boy: I'm Yu Zeyu, and your Y/N end of conversation *writing* happy? *looks up to you*

You: (wow he's handsome) o-okay nice to meet y--

KRING...the bell rang

He suddenly ran away..weird man...

I forgot its lunch time hehe I made my way through the cafeteria and saw erasine walking alone we usually always go together on our school she keeps calling me to eat together but why did she not called me? I ran towards her

You: Erasine! *taps her shoulder* lets eat together

Erasine: sure! *smiles*

You: why did you not called me to eat?

Erasine: sorry, I forgot...

You: how can you for---

Mingrui: lets go Erasine *grabs erasine's hand*

Erasine: where are we going?

Mingrui: to eat together

Erasine: but..

Mingrui: but what?

They speak at each other while walking away but you can hear them you decided to interrupt

You; cause we were supposed to eat together *cross arms*

Mingrui: excuse me who are you?

You: Y/N...

Mingrui: oh right but why the hell are you insisting my girl to eat with you? *grabs erasine's waist*

You: *eyes wide* (what the hell am I gonna do?)

Someone covered my seriously...

Familar voice: I know your jelous Y/N this hearthrub never deserves a fame life...lets go

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the cafeteria it was Zeyu
He let me sat down and ordered for me like..wth? Wwwh? (Wuts rong with him imma lazy)

You: why the sudden change?

Zeyu: hm?

You: earlier you were rude like seriously..and now your doing this?

Zeyu: I just realized somethin'

You: what is it?

Zeyu: uhh...forget it...

You: just tell me

Zeyu: shut your mouth *walks away*

You: hmm...he is so weird af!

Familiar voice: Senpai...




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