Chapter 11■ Erasine~

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Your P.O.V.

Erasine covered my mouth but I removed her hand

Erasine: ugh..i'm gonna go home *walks away*

Mingrui: *waves* bye Y/N

You: b-bye (I miss you)

Mingrui: *smiles and walks away*


I went out my house and rode a bus the bus was full where am I gonna sit? I saw mingrui he's looking at the window I sat beside him

Mingrui: ahh! Oh my jeez you startled me!

You: hahaha what are you thinking?

Mingrui: My dream..

You: whats wrong with your dream?

Mingrui: I saw you in my and you making a promise

You: whats the promise?

Mingrui: You promised we'll meet at the old well 5 years from now because of the letter

You: letter?

We arrived at the school me and mingrui went inside my classroom I noticed zeyu was not there where is he?

"Erasine will do something to me

OH NO??!!

You: mingrui come with me!

Mingrui: where are we going *Y/N drags mingrui*


Me and mingrui went to the back of the school and we saw erasine holding a knife she will gonna stab zeyu but i quickly screamed

You: ZEYU!!! Erasine!!!

Erasine: Y/N and m-mingrui?

Zeyu: *sob* please help me *sob*

Mingrui: erasine? Your a killer? *sob* I hate you

Erasine: mingrui let me explain

Mingrui: no your holding the knife! I'm gonna report you! *walks away*

Erasine: mingrui!! This is all your fault Y/N!!

Erasine come near me and pulled my hair until pulled her hair too

Zeyu: hey stop!!

Mingrui: Teacher there she is! She's holding a knife

Teacher: Erasine!! Go to the office! *grabs erasine*

Erasine: now let go of me!!!

Mingrui's P.O.V.

I saw Y/N hugged zeyu while crying I felt a little jelousy..I'm jelous?

Y/n: zeyu I'm glad your safe...erasine is a killer

Zeyu: thank you Y/N

Mingrui: I loved erasine but all I did ended like this!? She's a kiler! I hate her *walks away*

Zeyu: lets give mingrui personal space

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