Chapter 7■ Taking Care Of You~

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Your P.O.V.

You: Zeyu?

Zeyu: yea its me..

You: *smiles* why zeyu?

Zeyu: huh?

You: make me fall inlove to you *mumbles*

Zeyu: oh really? *blushes*

You: wait you heard it?

Zeyu: yes--

Familiar Voice: HELP!!

Zeyu: look! *points* its mingrui he fainted

We both ran towards mingrui who fainted which made me wet zeyu was standing behind protecting himself from rain by umbrella while me sitting beside mingrui trying to wake him up

Zeyu: its no use! Maybe bring him inside your house? He's getting wet

You: okay..I cant carry him

Zeyu: easy *carries mingrui*

You: gimme the umbrella so you can carry him properly

Zeyu: i'm fine! *scoffs*

You: btw why are you always angry to me?

Zeyu: well--

You: dont answer...lets hurry!

We arrived inside my house I called the maid and asked where's my mom

You: where's my mom?

Maid: she decided to buy groceries and have a date with his dad

You: silly

Maid: but who's that?

You: oh! This is zeyu my friend and this is mingrui my friend too he fainted but i'm the only one who saw it so I brought him here

Maid: aishh your so soaked in wet

You: dont worry..i'm so fine

Maid: make sure okay? *walks away*

Me and zeyu went inside my bedroom and we let sat down mingrui on my wooden chair cause he's wet remember?

Zeyu: I need to go home *walks away*

You: take care zeyu..and thank you

Zeyu: *blushes* o-okay b-bye

I dried my hair by my tawel and changed my clothes oh no mingrui's clothes are wet I cant remove them if i do that he's body is exposed to my eyes

Eew...I already imagined it. Yuck!

I dried his hajr by a tawel I sat on my bed and played my phone just waiting for mingrui to wake up

Mingrui: Y/N

You:hm? *busy at phone*

Mingrui: i've lost my memories..I mean we

You: hm? What do you mean?

Mingrui: but there's something I can never forgot our promise

You: Promise?

My head aches

Mingrui: Y/N promise me we'll meet 5 years from now here on the well to see our own letters
Me: yea the first of june is easy to remember
Mingrui: okay promise me? Maybe you'll forget about it
Me: I wont. I promise

my eyes became watery



So it means mingrui is the boy who keep appearing on my dream that we had a promise

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