Chapter 20■ A Dream?~

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Your P.O.V.

???: y/n wake up!!!!!!

Somebody woke me up and it was mingrui who was sitting beside me...

So it means all was just a dream...zeyu was my childhood bestfriend is just a dream, I met a strange girl named erasine was just a dream, erasine was suppostednto stab zeyu was just a dream, and mingrui became mine was just a dream

Mingrui: dont you know!?!?its 11:30 am!!!! Thank god its saturday!!!! Wake up!!!!!

You: Calm down yo!! I have a strange dream!!!

Mingrui: not interested

Mingrui's my bestfriend and I like him but he friendzoned me 2 times. Yea its true

You: in my and me were a couple and a girl erasine was stealing you from mine but I was crying hard cause you died from LMD disease

Mingrui: me liking you? Impossible..anyways get up our friends waiting for us

He go out from my bedroom duh I rolled my eyes my dream is like true ugh stop thinking about it I want to hug mingrui cause I thought he died lol

I walked down stairs and yeah we lived in a house with my group of friends my mom had a business trip my dad has a new family i'm an only child

Vanessa: oh y y/n your awake!

You: yea I had a long sleep which means I had a long dream too

Katie: we wanna hear it

Zeyu: y-yeah

Shuyang: me too

Xin long: just tell us later we're going to eat

Mingrui: why are you all so interested?

All: *stares*

Mingrui: ugh nevermind!


Vanessa and katie go to the mall but I didnt come with them cause I'm tired, shuyang and xin long did desame too, mingrui is playing computer in the computer room, while me eating pancakes

I entered the computer room while eating pancakes and saw Mingrui playing computer  I come near him

Mingrui: wacha doin?

You: eatin' pancakes...whats that kind of game?

Mingrui: Roblox

You: thats a popular game I heard that kind of game tho

Mingrui:its jailbreak

We both shouted cause mingrui was caught by the police and we both quickly get quiet

Mingrui: give me some pancakes please

You: no way this is all mine! 

Mingrui: hnm! *puppy eyes*

You: you never fail to be cute...okay fine but only one! *gives a pancake*

Mingrui: thank you *eats cutely*

You: *smiles*

The end~

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