New Story/Thanks/Face Reveal?

769 17 5

Well guys! I really appreciate your support when I opened my watty there are many notifications and I was surprised this book reached 1k and thank u for the 100 votes!! Anyways while reading your comments i was keep on laughing

Guys! Do u want me to do some face reveal? Comment below ur answer!

And plus! I've made a new story! Named..

Helping You |Zeyu FF| Boystory...

And you heard it right its Zeyu fanfiction so all of those Zeyu stan!! Run and read that story i already made 7 chapters on it and it will take weeks before i publish that story but trust me once i published that story its completed

And i'll expect some support from all of my readers!! Thank you for voting! And pls vote all of my stories thank you!

Third Wheel ||Fanfiction|| Boy Story Mingrui...Where stories live. Discover now