Chapter 19■ Wake Up~

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Your P.O.V.

Its saturday yey no class! I decided to visit at mingrui's house I knocked on the door

Mingrui's mom: who are you

You: uhm hi I am mingrui's...

Mingrui's mom: oh I know your Y/N he always tells me about you

You: hehe I want to talk to mingrui where is he

Mingrui's mom: ugh what? *watery eyes*

You: where is he, I want to talk with him

Mingrui's mom: but....mingrui.....he passed away yesterday when he went home...

You: what? Why? How?

Mingrui's mom: he's suffering from LMD disease....he just passed away and he's funeral will happen later *sob*  I love him so much *sob*

You: *sob* why? Mingrui? I dont want to go to the funeral...thank you i'll leave now *sob*


I'm walking through the park while thinking of mingrui

"What will you do if I die?"

Thats why he asked that and he keeps kissing me and hugging me and he said "be mine" and he wanna spend time with me

You: mingrui

I mumbled to myself and quickly ran to my house I sat on my bed while crying so hard my pillow is wet because of  my endless crying

You: why did you do this to me!? Mingrui

???: y/n wake up!!!!

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