Chapter 4■ Gone Bestfriend~

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Your P.O.V.

You turned around and saw Mingrui smiling then sat beside you still smiling still staring at you

You: did you just called me senpai?

Mingrui: yeah senpai...

You: *facepalm* Yah mingrui no two timing if your gonna try to flirt with me..well you picked the wrong person

Mingrui: i'm not here to flirt

You: what?

Mingrui: to get permission if I can date your bestfriend erasine

You: *choked* why are you asking permission to me? You should ask permission to her mom--- oh I know...your making me jelous

Mingrui: her mom died I asked her if I can date her but she said I should ask permission to you

You: well can't

Mingrui: why not?

You: cause you two are still a kid *roll eyes*

Mingrui: why do you care?

You: UGH!!! OKAY YOU TWO CAN LIVE HAPPILY...done...*walks out*

Mingrui: hmm..

You walked away and saw a bunch of cool girls with black outfits bullying erasine

Random girl 2: Your a brat

Random girl 3: how can you stole our Mingrui

Random girl 4: yeah!!! *kicks erasine*

Erasine: please...stay away from me..*sob*

You: YAHHHHH!!!!

All: *looks at you*

You: yah!! Pick someone your own size...

Random girl 3: oh really? Okay...

You:no wait..I didn't mean me? Ugh nevermind!

You dodged from her punch and get erasine away

Zeyu: the teacher is here

All: *ran away*

Mingrui: are you okay, my erasine?

You: my?

Erasine: yeah i'm okay, thanks my mingrui

You: yah erasine you should say thank you to me cause i'm the one who save you from those brats! Not mingrui

Erasine: why do you care?

Zeyu: *eyes wide*

Mingrui: *smiles*

You: cause I care about you, your my only one childhood bestfriend...

Erasine: okay..lets go...*drags mingrui*

You: *sob* bestfriend is gone *sob*

Zeyu: forget about that girl...*walks away* (she've done something bad you didn't know)

My bestfriend is.....

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