Chapter 31: So Many People

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"I'll buy one for you~" Jungkook spoke as Jimin looked excitedly causing a small chuckle to escape the older's lips.

"r-really?!~ w-wait won't  m-mother and father be angry a-about that?.." Jimin questioned, his excitement died down, tilting his head a little as he looked at the phone. Jungkook shook his head, a small smile appearing on his lips as he shook his head.

"that's why we won't tell them, baby~" Jungkook chuckled, "another little secret of ours~" he smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Jimins waist causing the younger to blush. "come on, let's get dressed and I can drive us" Jungkook spoke, gently picking Jimin up off the counter wrapping Jimins legs around his hips. "sound good?" Jungkook asked as Jimin gave a small nod, blushing a little as he wrapped his arms around Jungkooks neck. Soon Jungkook entered his room and set Jimin down on the bed before heading over to his closet to grab some clothes. 

Eventually, he found something small enough for Jimin and something him to wear as well, he picked out a pair of his old blue skinny jeans and one of his black hoodies for Jimin and something similar for himself to wear. Once they both were fully dressed Jungkook stepped in front of the smaller. "lets go~" Jungkook spoke before taking Jimins hand and leading him out of the house, swinging his keys around.

Jungkook walked Jimin to the car and opened to the door for him, Jimin cautiously entered as Jungkook chuckled a little. "this is a car Jiminie~" he smiled buckling Jimin in before shutting the car door gently and heading to the driver's seat.

-a sweet car ride later- 

"w-woah we went so f-fast!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook pulled into the parking lot of the store. Jungkook let out a soft laugh at the others reaction. 

"not really~ you're just not used it, baby" he chuckled before getting out of the car to go to Jimins side to help him out of the car. Soon they were walking into the store and Jungkook knew what he was going to get for Jimin.

" are so m-many people.." Jimin whispered as he hugged Jungkooks arm shyly while they walked to the phones. 

"its alright Jimin" he smiled, once they reached the phone section of the store he was about to ask one of the employees for the phone for Jimin when suddenly he noticed a girl he knew from school, obviously heading his way. "fuck.." he whispered under his breath.




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who live iN a pineapple uNder tHe sEA


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