Chapter 45: Errands

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Jungkook sighed, opening his door quietly, making sure Jimin got to his room unnoticed before heading out without saying a word to his parents. As soon as the front door shut, Mr. Jeon got up and ventured to the garage to grab a screwdriver to take apart Jungkooks doorknob so he could replace the battery of the camera. He made sure Jimin was in his room before stepping into his son's room to take apart the door. Soon the doorknob was off and Mr.Jeon unscrewed the back to put in special batteries only made for this camera, it gave it about a year's worth of battery life. This was a quick process so he didn't have to worry about Jungkook coming home and finding out that they had cameras all over the house, they only really ever watched them when they left the house for anything long-term or whenever they needed. The data from the camera would immediately be sent to a special laptop that Mrs.Jeon mostly kept with her.

Soon Mr.Jeon had the camera all charged up and back in its place, ready to record, to watch.


Meanwhile, Jungkook was on his way to the store to buy the random things on this damn list. Once he entered the building he went to the produce isle to grab the apples, "arent non-seedless apples just normal apples?" Jungkook scoffed, placing the seedful apples into the cart before looking back over the list, "batteries...sleeping pills?...whatever.." he mumbled, heading over to grab those items from their designated sections. Finally he reached the last thing on the list that he needed from the store. 

"A birthday cake?.. oh shit Jimins birthday is in like 4 days, wait...but their buying him a cake?... they've never bought him anything for his birthday ever. whats the deal?.." Jungkook muttered to himself as he walked to the bakery section where many cakes and cupcakes were placed on display. Jungkook didnt know what it was but he felt an uneasy feeling that his parentss wanted to do something for Jimin on his birthday, it seemed so unatural and he could only feel they were planning something bad. The picked out a cake of course, making it a simple cake knowing his parents would get upset if he spent too much money on the younger, utter shit was all Jungkook could think of that opnion.

 The picked out a cake of course, making it a simple cake knowing his parents would get upset if he spent too much money on the younger, utter shit was all Jungkook could think of that opnion

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 But Jungkook didnt care about his parents words so he bought a small cupcake with a blue wrapper and cute pastel circle sprinkle that laid on its white frosting. It also came with a pink candle, the boy planned on spending the night with Jimin before his birthday to share a sweet moment with just them.

 It also came with a pink candle, the boy planned on spending the night with Jimin before his birthday to share a sweet moment with just them

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Once Jungkook paid for all the items, his trip in the store taking only about 40 minutes. He walked back to the car, ready to go get the vehicle washed which wouldnt take long at all.


Currently, Jimin was admiring the background on his phone as he lay under his blanket, giggling as he tried to take a selfie of his own. Peeking up from blanket as the camera clicked, he was going to take more but he suddenly heard his name being called. "JIMIN!! " Mr.Jeon called out, hint of anger present in his loud voice.

Jimin shoved the phone inside his pillowcase and hurried out of his room to go see what he was needed for. He saw Mr.Jeon standing in the kitchen, tapping his foot with an upset look. "y-yes sir" Jimin spoke quietly, not daring to look into Mr.Jeons eyes.

"it seems you forgot the chores I assigned, the floor doesnt look clean does it Jimin? Hm?!" His voice grew more aggressive with each word, only frightening Jimin more. The boy had totally forgotten, he was so worried about Jungkook earlier he didnt realize he forgot to wash and sweep the kitchen floor. 

"S-Sir I-I'm sorry I d-didnt mean to-"

"SHUT UP!!" Mr.Jeons voice boomed through the home as Jimin felt a whimper of fear escape his lips. Jimin stumbled back into the wall as Mr. Jeon walked closer, his fists clenching with frustration. "you are to get on your hands and knees and sweep and wash this floor with only your bare hands got?!" 

"b-but sir-"

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK BACK TO ME HUH?!" Mr.Jeon fumed as he lifted both his hands to strangle the frightend child. "YOU ARE TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND LISTEN YOU LITTLE-"









  ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)  















MRs. kIEshA?!


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