Chapter 55: Evidence

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One of the officers immediately pulled the boy into the building, leaving the other officer to deal with the parents. They were brought into separate rooms, the parents waiting to be dealt with after Jungkook spoke his piece. 

He told them, everything. The cameras, the abuse, the adoption only for money, Jimins isolation, them planning to kill Jimin today with cyanide. And he proved it, he pulled out his laptop, showing the recording of the overheard conversation from the cameras. Even finding a clip of hearing Jimin beating beat for doing a minor thing wrong. He didn't show them their private moments but he explained to them all that though it was slightly awkward. Still, the officers were left in shock, "may I ask your name please?" the officer spoke, still taking in everything the boy had shown them.

"J-Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, sir." He nodded, feeling anxious as they kept looking over the camera footage.

"Alright, Jungkook. My name is Officer Chaeyoung, and this is my partner Sungjin. Now I have some more questions I want to ask you while Sungjin goes and talks to your parents." Officer Chaeyoung informed as the other officer left the room. "So. tell me, why are you just now asking for help from the police? Why did you wait to contact us about this serious of a situation, Mr.Jeon?" He asked sternly, leaning onto the table as he kept eye contact with the boy, Jungkook straightened his posture as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"well.. I didn't have all the proof I needed. Without all this, my parents would've found every way to prove me wrong.. and the week I had away from them.. I finally found it and came up with the plan to come here tonight but my parents I guess were woken up when I left the house with Jimin.." Jungkook explained, officer Chaeyoung simply nodded, taking all this down on his small notepad.

"And where is Jimin now?" He questioned.

"Before I came to your door my friend Kim Taehyung took him to his place, originally we planned to come together later on in the day but then my father texted me and I came here straight away- Oh speaking of the text, here officer." Jungkook had almost forgotten about the text. Quickly he pulled out his phone and pulled up the text. The officer's expression turned as he let out hum.

"well.. obviously, we are going to have to ask Jimin a few things when the time comes, along with your friends Taehyung and Yoongi in court. thats all who you told about this correct?"

"Yes, sir." Jungkook answered with a nod.

"well with that.. I guess I'll need to inform you that until further notice your parents are under arrest, If there is any more evidence you can bring to us please do so. There will be meetings you'll need to attend seeing as you were the one to come to us, which means that you'll be spending almost all your time at the station. By the way you've described Jimin to me, he seems too fragile for this kind of thing so you or the rest of us won't really be seeing him for around two to three days. We'll have a court meeting that he must attend and your parents will be sentenced to however long, seeing as they can't exactly find a way to be proven innocent." Officer Chaeyoung claimed, "arrest the parents Sungjin." he muttered into the communication device on his shoulder. "Come with me and I can get you started on the massive amount of paperwork involving Jimin being free from the Jeons custody, court things etc." He finished, walking Jungkook out of the private room. Suddenly the door burst open from the other room with the Jeons, there were two officers on the each of them.

"WHERE IS THAT LITTLE SHIT- GET OFF OF ME!!" The father yelled, struggling in the handcuffs as the mother kicked at the officers but of course it didn't help one bit. Jungkook stopped in his tracks at the sight, he and his father made eye contact. Only a deep glare was given to his son in that moment-

"Jungkook? come on let's go, young man, we have a lot to get to if you wanna see Jimin anytime soon." 


happy new year :D


shit dude, it's 2019, anyone got resolutions????? if so comment them I wanna know!!

I love you guys, i2018 was a good year with you and bts and jikook ofc. I can't wait for more from them cuz they cute :3







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