Chapter 40: Different

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Prepare. yo. selves.


Jungkook stood there for a moment, looking off as he bit his lip, unsure if he should tell Taehyung everything that's happened. He held Jimin in a tight hug before placing a soft kiss onto his light brown hair. "call Yoongi.. tell him to come over asap.." Jungkook finally answered still leaving Taehyung confused but he followed the orders. Yoongi was currently walking home because his car wasn't at the cafe since he walked from Jungkooks house when he was drunk. Suddenly his phone began to ring, he rolled his eyes, he was disappointed, the beautiful silence was disturbed. 

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at the caller ID before answer the phone, placing it to his ear. "what do you want." He spoke in a monotone, continuing to head home.

"Kook wants us over at his place, I think he's gonna tell us something.. there is this thing you don't know about.. but- ya know what just come over and you'll see what I mean.." Taehyung explained as Yoongi hummed in response before ending the call.

"Jungkooks house it is" Yoongi chimed as he adjusted his beanie, turning down a street that was a shorter path to Jungkooks place. Soon Yoongi arrived at Jungkooks door, he knocked, Taehyung opened the door and let him inside. Jungkook was sitting on the couch with Jimin on his lap holding him close, Yoongi looked at them a bit confused. "the fuck...?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"just sit, beanie boy" Taehyung ordered, sitting on the couch opposite from Jimin and Jungkook. "thissa family meeting, bro" He spoke, tilting his head at Jungkook who seemed to be whispering to Jimin.

"I'm only going to tell them, I trust them so you can too..they're like brothers to me " The older assured as Jimin nodded nervously.

"L-Like us?.." Jimin questioned, Jungkook only looked down feeling a bit guilty as he shook his head. "w-what..?"

"I'll explain in a minute.." He replied softly caressing Jimins face before looking up and adjusting his posture as he replaced his arms around Jimin. "alright." he looked up at the others sitting in front of the two. "I know both of you have many questions.. especially you Yoongi" Jungkook chuckled nervously as he looked down. "Yoongi, to answer your first question.. Yes, Jimin and I are in a relationship."

"but isn't he-"

"Jimin..J-Jimin isn't my..real brother.." Jungkook nervously said aloud, Jimin looked up confused, yet hurt. Jungkook trailed his gaze down to Jimins now glassy eyes. "h-he's adopted.." he finished. Taehyung and Yoongi looked to each other wide-eyed, mainly because of Jimins reaction, Jimin didn't know. How could he? The parents never told him, why would they?

"I-I'm what..w-whats adopted mean?" Jimins voice was quiet and shaky as Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair nervously. Taehyung and Yoongi becoming more surprised but feeling bad, Jimin didn't know what this mean, Jungkook seriously wasn't kidding when they said Jimin was innocent and didn't know things. "J-Jungkook..Why is e-everything so different?.. W-Why do I look so different from all of you? m-my fingers are small w-when yours are big.. m-my hair..i-its lighter than yours..I-I'm short, b-but you're tall..p-please tell me why" Jimin cried as Jungkook cupped the boy's cheek, attempting to wipe the falling tears.

"m-mother and father arent.. your real don't look like me or my parents because they didn't make you.. your real parents are..a-are dead.. they were murdered by their neighboor.. you were found in the house unharmed in the closet of your mothers room" Jungkook felt his own eyes begin to water Just seeing Jimins face. Jimin may not have a lot of knowledge about things but he knew what death was, unfortunately, his fake parents were the ones that lectured to him due to something 'bad' Jimin did to upset them. All Jimin could think about was the times his 'parent' would beat him and treat him this way, this only made him begin to cry more. They weren't even his real mother and father, what did this mean for him now? As for Jungkook, did he know about his parents killing Jimins? Absolutely not. 

"Holy shit.." Yoongi exhaled, looking into Jungkooks sad eyes, both Yoongi and Taehyung felt terrible about this. The room stayed silent for a bit, the only sound being heard was Jimins soft sniffles against Jungkooks chest.

 "I-Is that why..w-why they h-hurt me Jungkookie?.. why th-they don't love me?.. " Jimin asked, this question made both Yoongi and Taehyung jerk up in shock, a 'what the fuck.' expression on their face.

"what." Yoongi spoke, "Jungkook is this true, do your parents hurt Jimin?" Yoongi asked, leaning forward now.

"You didn't fucking tell us? dude that shit isn't right why haven't you told anyone?" Taehyungs voice grew angry, but it was more towards the parents than Jungkook, "So you're saying that rich but sweet attitude they put up is fake?" He questioned, Jungkook nodded, "that's honestly so fucked."

"I-I know.. I'm sorry I didn't tell's just I was never allowed to.. I was never allowed to interfere when they would hurt Jimin.. or else they would find out about me taking care of him and that would've only made things worse.. I-I'm sorry.." Jungkooks voice cracked as tried to keep his composure. "after they left at the beginning of the week.. m-me and Jiminwere finally left alone with each other and.. I discovered that I really love Jimin.. more than how a brother should..I-I also felt really confused with my sexuality.. knowing Jimin didn't know what it was.. that night you left Jimin with that 'problem'.. know.. helped him out.. I guess after that I started realizing things.." Jungkook confessed.

"I knew you were a homo" Yoongi snorted, causing Jungkook to chuck a pillow at him.

"you did not, I didn't even know I was a homo be quiet." Jungkook defended.

"gays have gaydars bro." Taehyung claimed as Jungkooks jaw dropped from disbelief.

"Y'all are wack shut up.." Jungkook laughed slightly as he held Jimin close to him, caressing the sad boy who seemed to be crying less now. Taehyung and Yoongis small laughs from the previous short conversation died down leaving yet again nothing but silence.

"so.. tonight the last night we'll see Jimin for a while?.." Taehyung Questioned as Jungkook nodded. 

"I'm not allowed to tell anyone about him, they usually lock him up in his room.. it makes me question why they even decided to adopt him.." Jungkook suddenly looked off, thinking about it for a moment, letting out a quick hum. Before he could think any further on it, Taehyung spoke up.

"and you guys were just going to stay home?" Taehyung sounded shocked, "screw that lets go out! show him the school! we can walk all over the neighboorhood! aww come on kook, let him have his last night of freedom be a good one." the boy insisted.

"ahh I dunno.." Jungkook spoke nervously.

"we'll be home before 1:00 am it'll be fine, I'll make sure we don't go past that time," Yoongi claimed, assuring Jungkook a bit. 

"alright.. but only till 1:00" Jungkook replied, he wanted Jimin to see more. Here was his opportunity.


Fun facts:

I can do the default Fortnite dance

One of my guy friends likes to whisper "thrust thrust thrust thrust" over and over really fast when he catches me writing fanfic.

I can death drop

I can death drop

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I don't even play Fortnite, I did one time, and I died.

woo woo


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