Chapter 49: Back To School

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Of course Jungkook didn't want to leave his lover, but eventually, he would have to, to go to his own room so he could avoid trouble with his parents. That night he had much trouble sleeping but managed to catch some z's before morning.

Beep! Beep! Beep!-

Jungkook shoved his alarm clock off the nightstand in hopes it would turn off, luckily it did causing him to sigh as he peeked over the bed to check the time.  '8:07 am' His eyes widened, "shit I'm gonna be late!!" Jungkook whispered in a panicked tone while he raced to his closet, luckily his parents weren't home so he could say goodbye to Jimin before he left. Once he swiftly brushed his teeth as he threw on a hoodie and some jeans along with his timbs he grabbed his bag jogged to Jimins room out of breath. Jungkook opened the door to find a cute sleeping little Jimin and he smiled tiredly while he walked to him. Hearing the door open caused the smallers eyelids to rise slowly as he began to sit up.

"J-Jungkookie is st-still home..?" He mumbled softly, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Yeah I woke up late," Jungkook chuckled embarrassedly as he leaned onto Jimin bed. "I wasn't gonna leave without saying goodbye to you though~ and with that said I have to hurry so, I love you and I'll see you when I get home from school." He spoke as Jimin nodded.

"I l-love you too, have a-a good day~" Jimin cooed as Jungkook then gently kissed the youngers soft lips. As Jungkook left the room Jimin went back to sleep, the older quickly got in his car and drove safely to the close school.

Once he reached the building he dashed in, sprinting to his English class (ya know reading n shit not learning English :/ ) once he reached the door he tried to slowly open it in hopes of sneaking while the teacher read to the class in but some students began to laugh causing the teacher to turn from the book he was reading and frown. "Tsk. Tsk. Tardy are we Mr.Jeon?" He hummed while Jungkook sighed in defeat before heading to his seat even though the class had barely 10 minutes left. "Leaving the store with the supplies he smiled brightly, no one surrounding him knowing the great evil behind his mask. His plan was coming together at last." And with that, the teacher closed the book. "You all are to read the next chapter at home and return with an essay of your thoughts on it tomorrow morning!" He spoke causing Jungkook to groan along with the whole class

Eventually, the bell rang and Jungkook slouched to his locker grabbing what he needed for his next few class before lunch.

-Many boring classes later-

"AGH I FUCKING HATE MR.HON" Taehyung shouted as the three boys sat out in front of the school to eat their lunch. "HE GAVE ME A DAMN DETENTION FOR ASKING SOMEONE FOR HELP ON A QUESTION LiKe?- THE FUCK YOU MEAAN" He boomed.

"Hah, fuckin idiot." Yoongi laughed amused at Taehyungs rage.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY YOU LITTLE SHIT- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG-" He stomped, Jungkook only stayed quiet and kept his head low, just thinking really. "And Jungkook." The other finally looked up. "You need to tell us what the fuck is going on at home. You never did tell me why you suddenly needed to stay at my place with Jimin.. Are you..planning to run away or something?"

Jungkook only bit his lip, letting out a heavy sigh. He kept his mouth shut, still unable to say anything. "kook..?" Yoongi lifted an eyebrow, gently tapping on Jungkooks shoulder.

"th-they.." his voiced cracked, his eyes slightly watering from the thought of the real reason even happening. "they planned to kill him.. on his birthday tommorow.. apparently there is some money shit I don't know about, but its fucking insane and I have proof and I'm taking it to court tomorrow to send my parents to jail a-and-"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Yoongi and Taehyung suddenly blurted out as Jungkook kicked his bag letting out an angered yell. "wha- why even do they- how-"

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!" Jungkook held his head in his hands, Yoongi and Taehyung were left shocked and maybe even scared. "my parents have always been secretive about Jimin, why he is here, why I couldn't tell him he was adopted, why he could fucking even go outside. But it all makes sense now I swear to god their psychos.. I don't even know how they planned to kill him, and then the fucking camera-"

"wait what camera??" Taehyung questioned as Yoongi tilted his head.

"they put a camera in my doorknob" Jungkook claimed as the other two just kept their 'what the actual fuck' expressions.

"wait that means they have know.. you and Jimin that night-"

"I..I already took care of it.. but I have evidence of my parents planning to kill Jimin from it and tomorrow morning I'm going to the police station to get it all dealt with.." he explained as the others nodded.

"so does Jimin know?.." Yoongi asked, Jungkook shook his head of course.

"Jimin won't be able to act normally around my parents if he knew. then they would know he knew something he wasn't supposed to.. I don't wanna see how that would go down.." he spoke lowly, exhaling deeply. 

"Damn, this whole situation is so fucked.." Taehyung breathed out, stressfully running his fingers through his hair.

"no kidding" Jungkook scoffed.


The three boys said their goodbyes for the time and went to the rest of their classes. The remainder of the day went by quicker than Jungkook hoped, "so I'll see you tomorrow morning at my place?" Taehyung checked as Jungkook opened the door to his car, nodding to the question. It was already time to head home from school. "alright.. be safe dude" He spoke, giving a worried smile.


this was kinda unedited and maybe boring but the next chapters gon be-















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