Chapter 8: The Darkness

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Tom's POV

After our "chat" in the lab, two months ago, we've been putting each other through hell.

I've been a pain in the Devil's ass ever since he branded me.  I want him to feel the hell he's put me through. I'm going to make sure to love every minute of this. I want him to suffer. 

Ever since the few months after my friends' deaths, I became cold. I became distant from the others as a way of saying fuck you to the assholes who put me through hell.  I felt better doing that. 

Except, it wasn't better for the lord of the house. 

Tord has been on my case during that time. Not surprising since I tend to ignore him when he bugs me. I don't care about his feelings or the feeling of anyone here. I just want to fly away...

I'm a freaking idiot!

I open the door to the balcony. The fresh air hit my face with scents of food, rain, and something else. I decide to make a running start before jumping off the ledge. Without a doubt that son of a bitch will try to find me again. The only thing I have to do is get rid of the collar and the tracker from one of my ribs. 

Then, I'll be free. 

Free of this place. Free of the bad memories that come with it. Free of the hunt downs as he will not be able to catch me. I'll finally be happy for once!

Just when I jumped off the ledge, expecting to fly, I fell. I laned on my back hard enough to create a dent. I looked up at the guards who were panicking at the sight. They thought I was trying to commit suicide by jumping from the balcony like that. I guess they didn't want their boss finding out about his dead "pet" anytime soon. 

"Ow..." I groaned out. 

Before I had a chance to run or even shift, I was placed in shackles. Even when I tried to morph, I couldn't. 

What the fuck?! 

What did he put in my system that suppresses my monster side?

'I...can'' I heard the voice struggle to talk to me. 

'Who?!' I yelled out in my mind.

'Our captor...He has been poisoning me with a chemical matched to our biology...I don't know how but, he found a stronger suppressant...I...can't help you until he...stops...' The voice says. 

'Shit! I knew something was off about one of those shots!' I was already in my room when I saw them lock the balcony door. 

Worse is that they shackled me to my bed. I was given enough length to go to the bathroom and to move around my room. Other than that, they locked my bedroom door. 

'Great...The one time I need to escape and he's one step ahead of me...' I thought as I laid down on my bed. 

'I'm sorry...' The voice replies softly. 

'No, it's not your fault. It's mine. I had every chance to run, every chance to use you. But, I didn't and it's on me. Had I used you, none of this would've been a problem! I was just afraid of letting you take over.'  It was true. I don't know about my monster side to give it control. 

'By the way, why are you talking to me now? I never heard you speak before. I mean I would hear you occasionally but, not like this.' I had time before they called Tord. Afterward, I was fucked when he got home. 

'You were off the old suppressants for so long, I was able to get my strength back to talk to you. I wanted to speak to you but, you were put on suppressants at a young age. The reason why you would occasionally hear me is during the times your suppressant started to wear off. I would try to tell you something about me. Sometimes, you would block me out too. 

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