Chapter 12: Sirius, The Dog Star

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It's been a year. 

A tense year between Tom and Tord.

Tord mainly stayed in his office/study. He needed to get his mind off of the tense atmosphere known as the hatred between him and his pet, Tom. He looked over the date on the paper next to him. Then he remembered something important about this date. 

It's two days before the day he executed Edd and Matt as Tom's punishment. 

"Tsk, he still can't be hung up on that..." Tord mumbles, "Then again, it's been tense for a while now. Maybe I should talk to him."

Tord decided to leave his study for once. As he walked he saw Tom's ex-friend with Maple. She bowed her head in silence while Tord smirks. He made sure that Annie stayed away from Tom if she wanted to keep a place to stay and a job or any job for that matter. 

To Tord, he was being generous. He allowed Tom to have some human contact besides himself. But, he didn't like it when Tom started to form bonds with them. So, he would cut the man off by taking those he bonds with away. 

It was his way of controlling Tom. 

He opened Tom's door to see him cutting paper for something. Ever since last year, Tom has been put on lockdown. He wasn't allowed outside much unless it was for training or when Tord took him out. Even then, he was limited to where he could move in the house. 

It didn't matter because Tom stayed in his room unless it was to drop off his dishes or to get a book. 

 Tom didn't even bother looking at Tord when he walked in. 

"Can we talk?" Tord sat on the side of the bed facing the balcony. 

Tom finished cutting the paper for his project. He didn't want to be near anyone. Hell, didn't want to talk to anyone. To him, it was a waste of time given that Tord could force them not to. But, to have Tord trying to talk to him after what he did pissed Tom off. 

"Tom..." Tord heard silence from the man sitting at the desk. He knew the man could hear him.

"Come on, Tom, this is annoying. Let's just talk for a little bit." Silence is all Tord heard from the man as he placed a paper flower to the side. 

"I know it's almost that time of the year-" Tord was cut off when he heard a hand being slammed on the desk. He looks up to see the rage on Tom's face. 

"Get. OUT!" He growled before returning back to folding the paper in front of him.

"No." He gets up and walks over to where Tom is. 

"Tom." The Brit wanted him gone. He hoped the silent treatment would do the trick.

"Tom!" He guessed wrong. Tom ignores Tord to keep himself busy so he doesn't try to stab him with the scissors. 

"TOM! Talk to me!" He commands the other. Tom just folded another piece of paper into a frog. 

Tord was at his breaking point. He grabbed Tom's hair and pulled. He didn't care if it hurt the Brit. All he cared about was obedience from his pet. Lucky for him, Tord was wearing thick, leather gloves because he felt Tom's hair turn into sharp blades. 

"OW! Ow! Stop it okay! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Tom yells as he tries to pull Tord's hand out of his hair. He wanted Tord out as quickly as possible. 

"I want you to talk to me, tell me what's wrong. It's been a tense year between us and I want to know why." He heard a dark laugh from the man him. Tom yanks his hair from Tord's grip and looks at him. 

 "That's rich coming from a monster like you. 

What do you think, fuck face? You force me into this situation without asking me, kill my friends off and remove the ones I form bonds with away. Then, you force me to be alone, torture me for the hell of it, and now you want to talk?! Get the fuck out, you sick son of a bitch." Tom turns to work on what he was doing earlier. 

At this point, Tord snapped. 

He yanks the Brit out of his chair and throws him on his bed. Before Tom could react, Tord had him pinned to the bed. It reminded him of the time he met the demon back home. Oh, how Tom misses his home and old life. 

"Get off of me!" Tom growls as he tries to fight out of Tord's grip on him. Tord just laughs at the action. 

  "I'm not going to get out as you demand. In fact, kjærlighet," Tom felt a hand up through his shorts, "I'm going to stay and claim what should've been mine years ago..." Without warning, Tord locked lips with Tom.

It wasn't as passionate as you think. 

It was one rough, fight for dominance kind of kiss. Tom could feel the neediness and desperation being presented. He wanted to break away but couldn't without injury. 

Once they pulled away, he looked up at Tord with so much hate that wasn't even possible. Hiss once friend, now enemy, forced himself on to the Brit as if it was nothing. Tom wanted nothing more than for Tord to leave. Tom looked Tord straight in the eye with all the hatred he could muster. 

"I hate you," Tom says.

"Whatever you say, pet." Tord got up and left Tom's room.

Tom touched his lips before rubbing the remains off. He never wanted to do that again. Whatever desire he had was quashed. He really had nothing left but his own monster. 

Without realizing it, they both said, 

"You bring out the worst in me. That's why I hate you." 

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