Chapter 15: Supernova

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Tom's POV

I'm 27 now. 

Within a few years, I lost everything. 

I lost my friends, my home, even my old life. I almost lost my family if it wasn't for the fact that he needed them. When I say him I mean him

Red Leader. 

I can barely call him that. It became a foreign word on my tongue. If I was to say his real name, I would have to spit it out. That's how bitter his real name has become. 

That's how he became to me. 

I couldn't stand being in the same room with him. Not because he was the cause of all my losses. No, it's because he took pride and glee in those losses. 

He loves them. 

He loves them so much, that he took trophies from each one. I remember him showing me each of those trophies. He loves to see the pain in my eyes as he reminds me of my position and what happens when I reject it. To him, I'm a bad pet that needs to be broken to be "fixed". He knew that if I can be broken, I could be molded into whatever he wanted. 

A nice "fixed" pet.

I don't want to be "fixed", I don't even want to be his pet! 

I want to leave, to run away! How could he not see that I will keep on rebelling against him? How could he enjoy this? Does he love to make me suffer?! Does he love to make me miserable?

Does he even care at all? 

Right now, I'm laying in the bastard's study.

 He decides that our rooms need some "spring cleaning". In reality, it was to search for any contraband that I've hidden away. Knowing them, I'm going to lose everything and it will be another trophy for him to parade around. By the time they were done, so was he. 

I was personally escorted back to my room where the maids quickly leave with my "contraband". They kept their heads down while the bastard pushed me into my bedroom. Knowing that I will be fed soon, I laid down in my bed. Eyes closing, I decided to nap and hopefully, have a peaceful dream. 

One hour later...

I awaken to the night. 

I knew that it was almost dinner because my body is conditioned to a routine. I didn't bother to move until I hear someone humming near my desk. Taking a whiff, I shot up. It couldn't be! I thought she wasn't allowed in my room or even near me! 

"A-Annie?" I was confused. 

Nothing. It's as if the person stopped moving. 

"I should've known it wasn't her. Why would that monster let the only alive friend I have left besides my family near me?" I laughed but, deep down. 

I was breaking. 

Remembering the song from the humming, I started to sing. 

"Say hello to the rug's topography

It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it

Say hello to the shrinking in your head

You can't see it but you know its there so don't neglect it"

The maid was humming as I was singing. She shocked me when I heard her sing the next lines. It almost made me cry. Even though the voice is small, it's so beautiful and familiar. It made me remember her. I want to dance with her again.  To sing with her like we used to. I miss her so much it hurts. 

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