Chapter 14: Planets

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Tord's POV

As usual, he's not up yet. 

Not surprising, he never notices that I'm in here until 7 am. 

Usually, I'm gone by the time he does anything. I have the cameras on him every day except for his room. I mean I'm a pervert but, I wouldn't sink that low...yet. Besides, I would constantly catch him in a compromising position anyway. 

Not that I'm complaining.

But, it bugs me.

It bugged me to see him being so chummy around that kid. When they first got together, I found out later that he made out with the kid and was close to screwing each other. If it wasn't for my dear maid, Maple, he would've succeeded.

The little bastard forgot who owned him. His body belonged to me to do as I please. He has little control over his life. I almost laughed at the thought of him having freedom like that. 

I don't have anything to do today since I put my cousins in charge. So, I decide to change my routine a little. Maybe find out what he does daily so that I can use it either against him or learn something. 

Yes, for the past few years, I have been building the world that I wanted. A world where I make the rules and those who hate it, well, disappear. I mostly wanted to remake the world for a different reason. 

To capture my friends. 

Look at it, you had a radioactive superhero, a monster-human hybrid, and a necromancer/vampire who at one point, ruled the world. Don't even get me started on our wild adventures and London if not world-ending hijinks. Yes, we did make it out somewhat alive but, at a cost. 

Our psyches changed dramatically. 

Edd keeps getting more into trouble, Matt was becoming more stupid and vain each day, and Tom drank himself to near death. Even my psyche changed dramatically. Which is why I left for the big city.

I thought I could change with the change of pace. 

That is until I was given money. 

Then, I ended up investing it. I made more to the point where I didn't have to work. But, the world was cruel and I saw what suffering really did. I wasn't against causing cruelty myself. I mean, I have fought with and against my old friends.

I decided to take over the world and recreate it into what I wanted. A world where people were taken care of. A world where I ruled.

But, I knew that this world would end if my friends were allowed to roam.

So, I allowed them to roam for a little bit. I was going to take England first but, I didn't want them to go into hiding. If they did, I didn't want a rebellion on my hand. Especially when Tom of all people would be at the helm. 

We were not friends at the time. 

Luckily, I caught them all like one of those pokemon games. I'm not going to let those three out of my sight. I was okay with sending Matt and Edd to jail and this close to sending Tom there as well. 

But, he proved that he was a worthy adversary. 

I wanted to study him. He is a mystery to the world that we lived in. A human that should not even exist. He had completely black eyes, an unnatural scent, and could survive getting fatally wounded.  Plus, he would leave mysteriously at random times of the month. 

If I had a choice, I would've followed him. But, that would be weird and kind of stalkerish. It was after I did some testing on his blood that I found out that his DNA was pretty freaking complicated. Too complicated to be human or animal. 

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