Chapter 17: Oblivion

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"Fall into Oblivion~!

Forget about the world we're living in~!

Fall into oblivion~!




I'm going in."

I was standing in front of Paul when I finished the song. 

Hearing the burly bear of a man clap and cheer was the highlight of my day. I guess listening to the radio is worth it. Looking at the semi-opened door, I knew he was listening to me entertain his cousin.  

Freaking creepy. 

Anyways, music was one of the privileges that were given to me by him. I guess he wanted to hear me sing again. But I didn't want to sing for him anymore. Instead, he would listen to me sing to others. 

Enough of that, let's talk about Paul.

After that last visit to the office, Paul has been coming around. I knew it was for business but, it was also to visit me and Annie. Yeah, I know he has a crush on her, and talking to him in secrecy was better anyway. 

He asked so hard for forgiveness after the deaths of my friends. He told me he really didn't have a choice. That his cousin would've done the deed and then, possibly, turn on him. He decided, afterward, to get information about the burial and pay for it himself. 

He would leave flowers on their graves once, every six months. 

But, anyway, I saw Tord come into the room which prompted me to leave. Not before he stopped me with a quizzical look. Before I can say anything, Paul jumped up. 

"He was just keeping me company while you came. I must say, he's really starting to behave." Paul grins.

Cheeky motherfucker. 

"Oh? I heard him sing wonderfully. I guess you're right though, I would prefer if he would sing in front of me for once." He looked me coldly in the eyes.

Keeping my head down, he released me and let me go so he could chat with his cousin. 

Not bothering to stick around, I bolted into the hallway. Only to bump into a man who had side bangs that frayed out a little. 

His brown eyes bore into mine before looking at the snitch. She bowed and pointed to the door before giving me a weird look. I just kept walking until I hit the back deck. 

"You said you wanted to fall into oblivion~!" I sang to myself.

"Forget about the world we're living in~!" I look over to see Jack and my eyes widen. 

"Jack!" I ran up and hugged him. 

"Hello, my good friend!" His accent really came out. 

I guess being back home would do that to you.

"What are you doing here? I thought he had to stationed back in your homelands?" I wonder if Ethan was here as well.

"Ethan and I came back for a little bit. He asked Red Leader if he can see his wife before leaving again." I was shocked.

"He's married? To Who?" I asked.

"You met her before." In no time, Ethan was right behind me. 

"Ethan!" I bear-hugged him. 

"How's my little hell beast?" He messes up my hair. 

"I'm okay. I'm allowed to listen to music now and things are slowly getting better," I said with a sad smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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