4.4: Underfell

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underfell belongs to their original owner(s) and there might be alot of cursing and voilence? so eum beware oke.

Livie POV

I just arrived here in another AU and i could tell i was at the centry station...again but everything feels different here...as though i should watch my back at all times. My clothing changed again as my white hoodie became a little thicker and was black colored now with red furr on the rims of my hoodie, my blue blouse turned into a deep red colored V top, my skirt stayed the same length only the color changed to black, but i suddenly was wearing stockings as my shoe's turned to red high heels. My hair was in a ponytail now instead of a bun. I quickly zipped my hoodie up as i felt my face heating up "n-new plan...stay away from other monsters...". I started walking as i pull up the hood of my hoodie to cover my face 'i look ridiculouse' i thought to myself. The farther i walked the more confident i became that no one was here...and then my confidence was gone the instant i saw Grillby talking to some other monsters. I was suprised honestly, for two facts...i have never, ever seen Grillby outside his house/bar and also this one was purple. But i had to pass by them so i decided to sneak passed them while they are bussy and i was almost at the entrance of snowdin until i was pulled back by my wrist. "hey you there!" Grillby was now looking at me but my hoodie covered half of my face "'m sorry but you gotta go" "what?!". 'shit...i spoke' i thought to myself "oh..." his frown turned into a malicious smile "your a female~" he purred. 'fuck...i need to get out of this situation...but how?' my mind was racing with idea's until i suddenly get picked up bridal style.

Grillby POV

I pick this strange girl who seems to struggle against me "p-put me down now!". "no can do sweetcheeks, you're mine now~" i purred and she seemed to be blushing.*slap* i got slapped by the girl "i'm not yours and you cant make me, now put me the fuck down!" she sounded angry. So i tossed her over my shoulder and continiued to carry her this way. 'she isnt even scared of me...hah who knew there was a monster who wasnt scared of me' I thought to myself. She stopped struggeling along the way and i heard soft breathing...did she fall asleep like that? She keeps intruiging me more and more, i'm mostly not the type to care but this is a female and they are getting very slim around here. So better snatch this one before Undyne or Papyrus does. I went through the backdoor as i went through my kitchen to end up in the livingroom. I gently layed her down on the coutch and since she's asleep she wouldnt mind if i took a peek at her face now would she. The moment i touched her hood she grabbed my wrist very tightly.

Livie POV

I was peacefully sleeping until i felt someone touching my hood as i automaticly grab their wrist. I yawn and open my eyes to see the purple Grillby...ofcours... I let his wrist go and sat up pulling my hood back down. It wouldnt be that bad to let one monster see me right? Weeeell i was wrong, the moment he saw my face he looked at me confused "i hope this is a prank, did red set you up to prank me?" "eum who's red? and no i'm not pranking you" "...so you're an actual skeleton...and a female at that..." I rolled my eyelights "yess i'm an actual skeleton and yess i'm a girl. so what is your point?" i suddenly regret asking that. "do ya know what this means? this means you're a very rare monster...one i can get money out of" he chuckled darkly. I stood up and stretched out "i'm sorry but i'm nobody's profit make, so if you would excuse me i need to go" as i was about to move he pushes me against the wall "but sweetcheeks~ dont ya get it! we could be rich...i could be rich!!!" he suddenly and agressively unzipped my hoodie to reveal what i was wearing. 'oh god...this is embarrassing' i thought to myself. However his entire face started to go pink at the sight he was seeing "ya know...ya look damn cute..." aaaand his smirk returned "maybey ya should fill it up more with your ecto body or whatever". 'oh by asgores beard...i havent used my ectobody...in years' i thought to myself "i-i-i dont know...i h-havent used that in y-years" i felt flustered and he took advantage of that. He brought me infront of a body mirror "it'll be fine, ya will look even better if ya use it~" he cooed out. I was still unsure if i should or not but went for it anyways. I summoned my ectobody and as he said it did seem to look naturally better...though...how in the world did my chest grew so big. "hhhmm...you have a beautiful hourglass figure sweetcheeks" his hands trailed along my sides "i-i dont know i l-look ridiculouse" i was still shy. "nonsense, but i might have an idea" he held onto my shoulders tightly when he said that.

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