4.7 Futoriantale (part 8)

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~ 3 weeks later ~

Blackadder POV

Livie has been unconcious ever since and i have been working figurously on my paper work, not only that but fysicly to. The lords had left 1 week ago but i kept working and doing the things i always did before Livie came to live with here. Soon i started to forget she was even here and i know it is selfish but i was stressing over paperwork and the resent vampire death count. James suddenly notifies me that Livie had woken up "what are you talking about?" "my lord, dont tell me you have forgotten your own lover". Suddenly i remember and groan in annoyance "no...i will eum see her later" "yess my lord, though it might be that we will let her out of the room to explore as she calls it" "fine fine". I see James standing there bewildered that i hardly care or that i reacted so coldly. I am a king and as such i have to worry about my own kind instead of this mortal. I suddenly feel pain inside of my soul, it feels familiar but i cannot place it.

~ Meanwhile with Livie ~

Livie POV

I smile as Aimie and i had a nice long chat about what happend and the new changes. She helps me get dressed and lets me out. I am still feeling weak but that is normal beeing out for so long. The first thing i do is search for Blackadder, i cant help it. I want to be held close in his strong arms and hear the sound of his voice again. I search everywhere until i come to his bedroom and as i was about to knock, James stops me "my lady, it is not wise to disturb him now. especially considering you need to eat and rest up" "aaww but i want to see him" "i understand my lady but he eum...he has been stressed out and up in his work lately so maybey it is best to leave him be for the time beeing" "oh well alright". I go outside to the garden 'if he's working so hard then...i should to' i thought to myself. It has been a long time since i trained my body, honestly i get defeated so easely especially since i cant use my other form anymore. Why did i promise that to him, i sigh more. I start with the basics wich is just to check on my speed, agillety and strength. Next i go to see how well i can dodge things as i progress more to difficult levels and as expected my body becomes tired quickly so i headed back inside. Suddenly i bump into someone as i stay standing "oh i'm sorry" i look up and see it is Blackadder who is picking up his papers "you better look out next time!" he then looks at me as he hardly reconizes me "s-sorry...". I move aside as he just walks down the hallway 'he seems very tired and stressed. maybey i could make something that could help him?' i thought to myself. But for now i retreated to my bedroom as i needed the sleep. The next night i woke up earlier and took a bath before noticing my work that i left on my desk. 'ofcours my work' i started to write a more desent paper that contained my succesfull batch of replacement blood along with an ingredients list. Then i headed out of my room to head over to the dinning room as Blackadder was already there and seemingly annoyed to "next time be on time!" "o-oh eum oke" i sat down on the other side of the table as i started to eat my breakfast. He is hardly saying a word to me, nor is he looking at me. 'did i do something wrong?' i thought to myself as i finish my breakfast before he does "e-excuse me" i get up and leave the dinning room without a word as i felt how tense the room became. I sigh and went to a supply room wich held alot of yarn and knitting materials. 'i can make puppets for him and me. maybey that would ease his mind' i thought to myself as i now spend my time traingin first, then eating, then knitting and i repeated this process for the past few days. I finish the dolls as one looks like me and the other like him, though i did hurt my fingers from time to time and made some mistakes resulting in me redoing it but i finally finished them. I hidden them inside my pockets as i ran to his bedroom and knock onto the door "come in" i hear him say as i slowly open the door and spot him sitting at his desk as i walk in. I close the door behind me as i make my way over to him "addie?" "hhmm" "addie you should get some rest. you have been working for a very long time now" "maybey later". I sigh and gently place a hand onto his arm "addie i'm worried about you. your to stressed out and you look like you havent slept in weeks" "i'm fine, now go away" "no" "go away!" "no addie". In a blink of an eye he got up and slammed me against the wall "what dont understand at the words 'go away'" "but addie" i was cut off by him "dont call me that! either call me blackadder or my lord but not addie. you brought me more stress and trouble then i ever had in my life. i geuss that's a mortals nature for bringing stress into an immortal beeings life!! i dont even get why i loved or cared for you". My eyesockets widen at what he just said as i grabbed his wrist and started to squeeze it in order for him to let go of my top. Then i pushed him aside and i speed walk to the door, i look over my shoulder at him "i'm sorry, my lord" he seemed to snap out of whatever he was in when i said that. "wait liv-" before he could get any closer or finish his sentence *SLAM* i had left his room and slammed the door shut behind me. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door as i started to cry. I felt so heartbroken 'he never treated me this way...i was only trying to help...maybey he doesnt love me anymore...just like all the other Sans's' i thought to myself. The thought of that alone just made me cry more.

~ Back with Blackadder before he was left alone ~

Blackadder POV

"i'm sorry, my lord" hearing that just send shivers down my spine as i just realized what i had said to her. I reached out to her "wait liv-" but before i could get even closer to her or finish my sentence *SLAM*. She slams my door shut and continiue's to leave. 'i'm sure she will calm down when it's dinner time...i hope' i thought to myself as i sigh and lay on my bed. 'she's right...i've been so stressed and tired that i...that i said those things to her and i didnt even mean them' i thought to myself as more and more thoughts came as i suddenly hear knocking wich snaps me back to reality "yess?" "dinner time my lord" i hear James say "i will be right there". I get up and leave my room as i hear James knocking on her bedroom door "my lady it's dinner time" she sais something but the door muffles it "please my lady, your body is still healing and needs food" another muffled reply "thank you my lady" he then leaves and i act as if i just left my room. I quickly make my way to the dinningroom as i sit down at my chair and soon after Livie arrives sitting all the way on the other side of the table wich ofcours saddend me. I finish my plate as she was still eating her dinner "so eum livie. w-would you like to go on a walk with me through the garden?" she looks up at me with this icy cold stare of her as i gulp "no thanks" she politely sais as i see tear stains on her face. 'i did that...i made her cry' i thought to myself "y-you know walking would help improve your healing" i tried again as she lays down her fork and knife before standing up "i lost my apetite...please excuse me" she speed walks it out of the dinningroom. I quickly get up and run after her "livie wait!" she just ignores me and continiues on until she hides in her bedroom again and locking the door. I place a hand onto the door "livie please, i'm truelly sorry" "go away my lord" her saying that just sends shivers down my spine "w-why wont you call me addie?" "you dont like that..." "t-that was just a spur off the moment" "leave me alone my lord". I sigh and place my forehead onto her door "mon cher...please...i really want to hold you" "i dont feel like it, now leave please". I felt like kicking down the door and forcefully hold her but that would just push her away even farther. I sigh and retreat to my own chambers as lay on my bed 'i really screwed up this time' i thought to myself. I let my eyes close as i felt the heavyness of the sleep take over.

~ Meanwhile with Livie ~

Livie POV

I held onto the pillow tightly as i was crying again. 'am i really such a bother?...here i thought i found my soulmate...i geuss i'm cursed to be forever alone' i thought to myself as i sat up seeing my room beginning to become lighter due to the sun. I look at the dolls i made before making up my mind and getting everything ready for me departure. I first made sure there was a lid on the testtube of the succesfully made replacement blood, i folded up the papers neatly and silently made my way to Blackadders bedroom. I entered the room and placed the tube along with the paper onto his desk before silently making my way out again. I then make sure my bed is neatly made before i start to write a goodbey letter and placing it onto my bed with the two dolls ontop of it. I silently make my way to the frontdoor but before i left i took a quickly look and just left without a word.

No ones POV

Livie made it past the gate and into the forest as she slowly and progressively made her way deeper into the forest. She was getting more and more tired so she decided to make a shelter for her to spend through the night, she even made a fire to keep herself warm. 

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