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*John POV*

William grabs my hand, lying his head in my lap. I jump out of the car as soon as it stops, running into the hospital. Mycroft parks quickly, and Greg pulls William from the back seat. I run over to the nurses desk, trying to find Sherlocks room.

"Who are you looking for love?"

"Sherlock. Sherlock Watson-Holmes."


"He was just brought in tonight. Tall, pale skinned, very beat up. Please, you need to tell me where they took him."

"The one in intensive care?"

"He had better be there."

"You cant see him right now, he's in surgery."

"Please, I need to see him."

"In sorry, I can't let you back. You four need to go into the waiting room please."

We slowly move away from the desk, sitting in the waiting room. Mycroft hands William off to me, who is sleeping. He turns to Greg and I, trying to figure out what happened.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. You called me, I told Sherlock and managed to calm him down. I woke up on the floor in my room, next to the boys."

"Why are you bleeding?"

"Doesn't matter."

"What did he do?"

"Threatened to do the same as he did to Sherlock, when we where younger."

"And how far did he get?"

"Not very, I'm fine. Its Sherlock we need to worry about."


I jump up when Greg says this, we had forgotten to ask where he was. Mycroft takes William from me and I run back to the desk. The nurse looks irritated to see me again, almost sending me back.

"Where is my son?"


"Hamish. The little blonde boy, he should have come in with Sherlock."

"You can come back and see him now, I can only take two of you back at a time though."

"Me and William."

She leads the two of us out to the hall, down to room 218.

"He may not be awake yet, though when he wakes up he won't feel well."

I take Williams hand, and we go sit in the chair by his bed. Hamish wakes up soon after, jumping up quickly when he sees us.


"Yeah, we're here. How are you feeling?"

"It hurts."

"What hurts?"

"My head. It hurts."

"Its okay. You're okay."

Hamish starts crying, asking about Sherlock. I let William sit on the bed, watching him calm Hamish down. The door opens suddenly, making all of us jump.

"He's awake."

The nurse leads me out to Sherlock while another checks on Hamish. I leave William there then I see Mycroft, trusting him to watch William while I'm gone. We aren't all the way down the hall, but I can hear Sherlock yelling already. He quiets when I walk in, lying back in the bed. I walk closer, stopping by the bed. My fingers brush against Sherlocks, waiting for him to move again.

"How is Hamish doing?"

"He's fine, just scared mostly. The drugs are still in his system though, they need to do a detox tonight. How are you feeling?"

"Ill be fine, is William okay?"

"Yeah, he's okay. A little beat up though."

"And you?"

"Still high. I'm not sure how you can enjoy this, especially as often as you used to do it."

"What did he do to you?"

Sherlock reaches up and pulls on the hem of my shirt, dropping his hand when I reach for his wrist.




"What's wrong?"

He shakes his head, turning away as he starts crying.


I reach out for his hand, gently turning his arm over. Both arms are wrapped in blood soaked bandages.

"What did he do to you?"

He sits up again, letting the sheet fall down completely. I wince when he lifts his shirt up, showing me his side and stomach.

"What did he do to the boys?"

"How much do you remember?"

"Not much. He drugged me and everything goes blank until I woke up, before you where there though. He...he tried it again."

"Did he?"


Sherlock is starting to hyperventilate, heart monitor going off rapidly.

"Its okay, you need to calm down."

"Where are the boys?"

"Hamish is in another room. William is with Mycroft."

"Are they okay? How badly did he hurt them?"

"All of us but William is high. Hamish has a minor concussion, a few cuts, and a kit of bruises."

"And what happened to you?"

"Its fine."

He reaches for my hand again, fingers shaking.


"Stay. Please."

"I cant stay all night."


I move and sit on the edge of his bed, slowly rubbing circles on the back of his hand.

"Please John, I dont want to stay here alone."

"I need to take care of William. They wont let me stay overnight either."

"Is he okay?"

"Not really."

"What happened?"

"Not right now, you need to get some sleep. We'll be back in the morning, I promise."

He lies back again, still gripping my hand tightly. I pull him towards me gently, lying his head in my lap. He slowly relaxes, closing his eyes when I run my fingers through his hair.


"What's wrong?"

"Can I see William?"

"Yeah, I'll go get him. I'm going to check on Hamish, but Mycroft will bring William back here."

"Thank you."

I stand slowly, kissing him lightly before leaving the room.

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